Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Good Things that Came out fo the Great Depression
From 1929 to the early 1940s, America was hit hard by the Great Depression. The economy plummeted to rock bottom. It affected millions of lives throughout the country, even the rich. It caused families to use shabby clothes again and again, instead of buying new apparel and wasting money. People cut back on spending and where they spent it. Then, WWII affected the economy by putting it back on track. Along with it, was the Manhattan Project, which greatly affected the U.S. The Manhattan Project (America’s nuclear bomb,) was used in Hiroshima, Japan, during WWII. The US was greatly feared by Japan and other countries then. The Manhattan Project also created the Hydrogen bomb, which was never used but alarmed the American and Soviet Union public. These were not the only events that greatly affected America. Throughout the years 1945 to 1980, many events affected US society, such as John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Address in 1961, Elvis Presley, and color television. John F . Kennedy was born on the 29th of May, in the year 1917. He was also known as â€Å"Jack†. As a young child, he often got sick. He did not pressure himself to do school related work, unless it appealed to him. Even in college, he only did work unless it appealed to him. Finally, in his last year in college, he got himself together and started taking school seriously. After graduating from college, he went into the army. His brother, Joseph Kennedy went into the navy. While he was in the army, unfortunately,Show MoreRelatedThe Depression Level of 4th Year College Students6382 Words  | 26 Pageswill help us to become a far more responsible and hardworking person. Also, I would also like to give thanks to the 4th year college students of the University of the East for their swift cooperation in answering the researcher’s depression test. 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