Thursday, December 26, 2019
How I Learned A Great Deal About My Countrys Culture
Even though I was born and lived in Jamaica for the first seven years of my life I have been somewhat ignorant to its culture and because of this assignment I was able to learn a great deal about my country s culture through another s encounters and observations. Not only did I learn about my country but I gained new knowledge about my mother and her experiences as well. Her name is Kayla and she was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She began by introducing her culture s background. â€Å"Jamaica, originally settled on by Taino settlers, was named Xaymaca meaning land of wood and water. The slaves brought over to the land were of course from Africa which is why we have adopted many of their customs of which I will elaborate later.†As she shared with me her experiences she also expounded on the norm of such things in Jamaican culture. As a child in her free time, Kayla loved to play with her brothers. She climbed trees, played marbles and basically did whatever they did and althou gh she was a tomboy she always had fun. It is very common in Jamaica for children to be seen playing outside at all times of the day. Neighborhood children come together and play games such brown girl in the ring, Dandy Shandy (dodge ball), What can you do Puncienella likkle fella, cricket, Simon says, stucky freezy stucky ketchy (freeze tag), and mother may I. The names may be different but the concepts of the games are very similar to ones played around the world. From her childhood she alsoShow MoreRelatedSpeech : Why You Should Be Politically Aware1304 Words  | 6 PagesSpeech So, Donald Trump is the president-elect and I still wake up every morning with a slightly dead soul and single tear shedding down my face. I remembered being bright-eyed, optimistic, and a proud supporter and campaigner for Bernie Sanders. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Good Things that Came out fo the Great Depression
From 1929 to the early 1940s, America was hit hard by the Great Depression. The economy plummeted to rock bottom. It affected millions of lives throughout the country, even the rich. It caused families to use shabby clothes again and again, instead of buying new apparel and wasting money. People cut back on spending and where they spent it. Then, WWII affected the economy by putting it back on track. Along with it, was the Manhattan Project, which greatly affected the U.S. The Manhattan Project (America’s nuclear bomb,) was used in Hiroshima, Japan, during WWII. The US was greatly feared by Japan and other countries then. The Manhattan Project also created the Hydrogen bomb, which was never used but alarmed the American and Soviet Union public. These were not the only events that greatly affected America. Throughout the years 1945 to 1980, many events affected US society, such as John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Address in 1961, Elvis Presley, and color television. John F . Kennedy was born on the 29th of May, in the year 1917. He was also known as â€Å"Jack†. As a young child, he often got sick. He did not pressure himself to do school related work, unless it appealed to him. Even in college, he only did work unless it appealed to him. Finally, in his last year in college, he got himself together and started taking school seriously. After graduating from college, he went into the army. His brother, Joseph Kennedy went into the navy. While he was in the army, unfortunately,Show MoreRelatedThe Depression Level of 4th Year College Students6382 Words  | 26 Pageswill help us to become a far more responsible and hardworking person. Also, I would also like to give thanks to the 4th year college students of the University of the East for their swift cooperation in answering the researcher’s depression test. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Justice Monologue Essay Example For Students
Justice Monologue Essay A monologue from the play by John Galsworthy NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Justice: A Tragedy in Four Acts. John Galsworthy. New York: Charles Scribner\s Sons, 1910. FROME: If it please your lordship and members of the jury. I am not going to dispute the fact that the prisoner altered this cheque, but I am going to put before you evidence as to the condition of his mind, and to submit that you would not be justified in finding that he was responsible for his actions at the time. I am going to show you, in fact, that he did this in a moment of aberration, amounting to temporary insanity, caused by the violent distress under which he was labouring. Gentlemen, the prisoner is only twenty-three years old. I shall call before you a woman from whom you will learn the events that led up to this act. You will hear from her own lips the tragic circumstances of her life, the still more tragic infatuation with which she has inspired the prisoner. This woman, gentlemen, has been leading a miserable existence with a husband who habitually ill-uses her, from whom she actually goes in terror of her life. I am not, of course, saying that it\s either right or des irable for a young man to fall in love with a married woman or that it\s his business to rescue her from an ogre-like husband. I\m not saying anything of the sort. But we all know the power of the passion of love; and I would ask you to remember, gentlemen, in listening to her evidence, that, married to a drunken and violent husband, she has no power to get rid of him; for, as you know, another offense besides violence is necessary to enable a woman to obtain a divorce; and of this offense it does not appear that her husband is guilty. In these circumstances, what alternatives were left to her? She could either go on living with this drunkard, in terror of her life; or she could apply to the Court for a separation order. Well, gentlemen, my experience of such cases assures me that this would have given her very insufficient protection from the violence of such a man; and even if effectual would very likely have reduced her either to the workhouse or the streetsfor it\s not easy, as she is now finding, for an unskilled woman without means of livelihood to support herself and her children without resorting either to the Poor Law orto speak quite plainlyto the sale of her body. Now, gentlemen, markand this is what I have been leading up tothis woman will tell you, and the prisoner will confirm her, that, confronted with such alternatives, she set her whole hopes on himself, knowing the feeling with which she had inspired him. She saw a way out of her misery by going with him to a new country, where they would both be unknown, and might pass as husband and wife. This was a desp erate and, as my friend Mr. Cleaver will no doubt call it, an immoral resolution; but, as a fact, the minds of both of them were constantly turned towards it. One wrong is no excuse for another, and those who are never likely to be faced by such a situation possibly have the right to hold up their handsas to that I prefer to say nothing. But whatever view you take, gentlemen, of this part of the prisoner\s storywhatever opinion you form of the right of these two young people under such circumstances to take the law into their own handsthe fact remains that this young woman in her distress, and this young man, little more than a boy, who was so devotedly attached to her, did conceive thisif you likereprehensible design of going away together. Now, for that, of course, they required money, andthey had none. As to the actual events of the morning of July 7th, on which this cheque was altered, the events on which I rely to prove the defendant\s irresponsibilityI shall allow those events to speak for themselves, through the lips of my first witness, Robert Cokeson.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Rise of England as a European Power
The rise of England as a European power involved various strategies including use of religion, marriages, and weapons in war. In other cases, kings emphasized on trade, learning, and explorations. This document details the emergence of several kings of England and the strategies they used to conquer other empires. Kings also had various means of retaining power to protect their territories. This in turn facilitated the rise of England as a European power as discussed below.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rise of England as a European Power specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The War of the Roses (1455-1487) The War of the Roses as discussed in history books compounded continuous battles that supporters of the House of Lancaster (Lancastrians) and the House of York (Yorkists) engaged in (Markham, 1983). The representation of the Yorkists by a white rose and the Lancastrians by a red rose led to the emergenc e of the name â€Å"War of the Roses†(Markham, 1983). The dominant noble families inclined to any of the houses and fought in various Civil Wars, which culminated to the victory of Lancastrians and crowning of Henry Tudor as King (Markham, 1983). Background information: War of the Roses The reign of Edward III and power struggles between his sons after his death is considered the primary cause of Wars of the Roses (Markham, 1983). The four eldest sons of King Edward included the Black Prince (heir apparent), Lionel of Antwerp (Duke of Clarence), John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster) and Edmund of Langley (Duke of York) (Starkey, 2003). After King Edward III’s death in 1377, his grandson Richard II became king arising from the fact that his eldest son had died from plague in1376. Richard II was hardly ten years old and therefore his uncle John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster) took over to rule the country (Markham, 1983). Richard grew older and became rebellious to his uncleâ €™s rule. The death of John of Gaunt in 1399 brought forth a new dimension into the country’s rule. This is because after his uncle’s death, Richard II forcefully took the land owned by his uncle. However, John of Gaunt’s son Henry prepared an army, which saw the surrender of Richard. Consequently, Henry crowned himself Henry IV and took over the throne. This saw the establishment of the reign of the Lancastrian as Kings. Soon after, Richard was imprisoned in Pontefract castle where he met his mysterious death in February 1400 (Starkey, 2003).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since Henry IV was not the rightful heir to the throne after the death of Richard II, he faced numerous setbacks. Arguably, Edmund Earl of March the great grandson of Lionel Duke of Clarence was the rightful heir to the throne (Starkey, 2003). Fortunately, Henry was able to consolid ate his position on the throne. As such, when he died in 1413, his son Henry V succeeded him without setbacks (Starkey, 2003). Henry V was a strong leader. He won the Battle of Agincourt in1415 among the numerous battles that he won (John, 2007). He also conquered Normandy and Rouen for England. He married the daughter of the King of France. Because of his premature death in 1422, his son Henry VI was crowned the king of England and France (John, 2007). At his father’s death, Henry VI was hardly four months and therefore his uncle ruled the two countries on his behalf (John, 2007). The French monarchy was restored after Joan of Arc raised military in opposition to the English. Henry married Margaret of Anjou and as he became older, it was evident that he was going to be a weak (Markham, 1983). Consequently, the Yorkists planned to take over the thrown from him. He condoned corruption and the country went broke despite of the high level of taxation. In his reign, trade decline d while great Lords interfered with the judicial system and Parliamentary elections (Markham, 1983). Unrests were common and in 1450, there was a revolt in London headed by Jack Cade. Citizens laid their hopes on the duke of York to instigate change (Markham, 1983). On 22 May 1455, the first battle of the Wars of the Roses occurred at St Albans (Markham, 1983). Richard, the Duke of York led the Yorkists to defeat the king’s army with ease. Subsequently, Henry VI was captured and imprisoned. Richard of York was made protector of England after Henry suffered a bout of insanity from 1455 to February 1456 (Hawes, 2009). After his recovery, his wife Margret advised him to reverse many of the decisions made by the Yorkists. The decisions included the appointment of Warwick’s as the captain of Calais that was reverted back to Henry Beaufort the new III Duke of Somerset (Markham, 1983). Lancastrians were ordered by Margaret to attack Salisbury at Blore Heath on September 1459. They lost to the Yorkists. Henry and Margaret later confronted York, Warwick and Salisbury with a force of 30,000 in the battle of Ludford Bridge on October 1459 (Markham, 1983). Calais men defected to the Henry’s side. The Yorkists dissolved and fled.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rise of England as a European Power specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Warwick fled to the South East and ended up in Sandwich. Here, he raised an army of 25000 people (Markham, 1983). With this, he confronted Henry’s army at the battle of Northampton on July 1460. Yorkists won because the commander in charge of Henry’s front line betrayed him and joined the Yorkists. In addition, Buckingham, John Talbot V Earl of Shrewsbury, Beaumont, and Egremont were killed (Horrox, 1989). However, York on return from Ireland claimed the throne. In1460, the parliament passed an Act of Accord that left Henry as King, b ut York’s heirs would be Henry’s successor (Horrox, 1989). Margaret was infuriated by the decision to deny her son (Edward) the right to the throne. On this account, she decided to form another Lancastrian army. Jasper Tudor organized an army in Wales, Holland, and Somerset in the West Country while Percy, III Earl of Northumberland with John Clifford rose in the north (Markham, 1983). The combined total of forces was 15000 men (Horrox, 1989). York heard about Margaret’s location in Pontefract and decided to go to his castle at Sandal south of Wakefield. York infuriated by breaking of Christmas peace, marched out of his castle but he was ambushed in the Battle of Wakefield. York and Salisbury’s son Thomas Neville were murdered (Horrox, 1989). On the other hand, York’s son was in Pembroke and Wiltshire where he had been sent. He won the battle of Mortimer’s Cross on 2 February 1461. Margaret’s forces at the second battle of St. Albans intercepted Warwick on 17 February 1461, as he left London to meet with March (Horrox, 1989). The Lancastrians won prompting Warwick to flee with the remainder of his soldiers. Norfolk Warwick and his uncle Lord Fauconberg formed forces in the south East, Midlands, and West Country. They combined forces with the rest of the Yorkists army led by Richard’s son Edward, the Earl of March. In the Battle of Ferrybridge, on 28 March 1461, Lord Fauconberg was killed (Horrox, 1989). The two armies met again in the battle of Towton the following day. Lancastrians lost and most of their noble men were killed (Markham, 1983). Edward was crowned the king on 28 June1461 and Warwick was reinstated as the Captain of England (Hawes, 2009). Edward and Warwick fell out over issues relating to foreign policies. Edward lost in the battle of Edgecote Moor on 26 July 1469 and was imprisoned at Warwick castle. Later, Edward fled to the protection of his friend Duke of Burgundy. He later won in the B attle of ‘Lose-Coat’ Field on 12 March 1470 after gathering support from Charolais, Duke of Burgundy (Markham, 1983).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Warwick and Clarence sought refuge in France where they met Henry’s wife, Margaret. King Louis provided them with funds, forces and sixty ships for battle (Hawes, 2009). In exchange, Henry VI was reinstated as king. Henry VI regained the throne in 1470 and was crowned king on 13 October 1470 (Hawes, 2009). Under Warwick’s rule, an alliance between England and France proposed an invasion of Burgundy. Charolais, Duke of Burgundy facilitated Edward with provision like ships, manpower, and funds to invade England. The sail was on 11 March 1471 (Hawes, 2009). Edward used his wit to gain public confidence and raised his forces even more. Edward went to London where his supporters accepted him back. He defeated Henry in the Battle of Tewkesbury and was crowned king as Edward IV (Hawes, 2009). He set out for Warwick. In the Battle of Barnet on 14 April 1471, the Lancastrians were defeated and Warwick was killed (Hawes, 2009). Through Edward’s order, Henry was killed in May 1471 (Hawes, 2009). Edward IV remained in power until 1483 when he died suddenly from chill and soon the country went back to mayhem again (Hawes, 2009). Queen Margaret of Anjou the wife of Henry VI sought refuge to Wales with her son. Jaspar Tudor who was Henry’s half brother accepted them (Hawes, 2009). After the death of Edward IV, his two sons Edward and Richard were too young to rule (Hawes, 2009). Thus, their uncle Richard Duke of Gloucester took over the leadership of England. The two princes mysteriously disappeared in 1483 from the Tower of London where they had been taken (Horrox, 1989). It is alleged that their uncle killed them. Richard was subsequently crowned Richard III on 6 July 1483 (Horrox, 1989). Richard III’s position in the throne faced numerous hitches especially from Henry Tudor. This was the grandson of Owen Tudor the second husband to Henry V’s wife Katherine of Valois (Williams, 1996). Henry Tudor prepared an invasion with the suppo rt of Charles III the King of France. On 7 August 1485, a 3000 force landed in Wales and kept adding more on their walk (Hawes, 2009). A Lancastrian army that was raised by Henry Tudor in the battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485 defeated the Yorkists (Hawes, 2009). Despite the fact that Henry had a less force of about 6000 men, he defeated Richard who had 10000 men and was a more experienced commander in the field (Gravett, 1999). Richard III was killed in the battle and Henry found his crown on the battlefield (Gravett, 1999). Henry placed the crown on his head and he was crowned king on 30 October 1485 (Gravett, 1999). The following year, he married Elizabeth of York (the daughter of Edward IV) uniting the two houses of Lancaster and York (Gravett, 1999). This union put to an end to the War of Roses. In summary, the War of Roses started with irreversible disagreements between the ruling Houses of Lancaster (Lancastrian) and York (Yorkists). It was referred to as the War of R oses because a red rose represented the Lancastrians while a white rose represented the Yorkists (Gravett, 1999). Yorkists (Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III) reigned. However, Henry Tudor defeated Richard III in the Battle of Bosworth field and crowned himself Henry VII (Gravett, 1999). This marked the beginning of new royal dynasty. His marriage to a York’s daughter brought to an end the Wars of the Roses (Chrimes, 1972). He later gained the trust of his subjects when he overcame a claimant at the Battle of Stoke Field on 16 June 1487. The Rebirth of Tudor and the Tudor Dynasty During this era, King Henry VII overcame adversaries to his new dynasty and promoted noble writs and commissions. The era was characterized by political and social strengthening. In this era, there was increase in births and businesses thrived (Gravett, 1999). Tudor cared for the people and their welfare was his main interest. He endeavored to stop wars and foreign conflicts (Chrimes, 1972). This marked the beginning of social change. The royal couple had eight children though only four survived. They were two boys (Arthur and Henry) and two girls (Margaret and Mary) (Kilkenny, 2007). Margaret wedded King James IV of Scotland fostering a peaceful coalition (Gravett, 1999). During the reign of Henry VII, John Cabot made a major discovery. He discovered the New World in 1494 (Busch, 1895). However, John Cabot discovered that he was likely to lose his right to the great discovery since Spanish examination tried to supersede him with Christopher Columbus. Thus, he sought to obtain Royal Charter for his discovery, which was granted by the king in 1496 (Kilkenny, 2007). In order to promote the union between Spain and England, the oldest son of King Henry and Catherine of Aragon were affianced (Kilkenny, 2007). Catherine and Prince Arthur were married in November 1501 (Kilkenny, 2007). Prince Arthur died five months later of a mysterious disease while his mother Elizabeth died 10 m onths later in childbirth at 37 years of age (Kilkenny, 2007). Catherine should have returned to Spain but she did not. She was ordered to stay to be engaged to Henry, a younger brother of Arthur (John, 2007). The marriage of Catherine to the king of England would promote obedience to the Papal Bull of Borgia that had been proclaimed in England in 1494 (John, 2007). She would also see to it that England would not conflict with Spain over the ownership of the New World (Mattingly, 1941). King Henry and his son Henry were opposed to a re-marriage of Henry to Catherine. This is because the death of Arthur was seen as a bad omen (Mattingly, 1941). In addition, Isabella of Castile died in 1504 worsening the matters (Mattingly, 1941). Catherine started planning to go back to Spain. However, the arrival of a Franciscan called Fry Diego Fernandez altered everything. He is believed to have poisoned the king in order to maintain the alliance of Spain and England through the marriage of Cather ine to Henry (Mattingly, 1941). The king died at an early age of 52 in 1509 (Kilkenny, 2007). Soon after his death, Henry became king and revoked all the policies of his father. Indeed, he executed his father’s advisers at the Tower. He was crowned king on 24 June 1509 (Kilkenny, 2007). During the reign of Henry VIII, Martin Luther posted 95 Theses meant to start blessed Reformation to the church door in 1517 (Kilkenny, 2007). Henry immediately opposed the Reformation. Unlike his father, Henry VIII cared little about the people who liked partying. He admired beautiful girls (Kilkenny, 2007). Consequently, he had met Anne Boleyn and because Catherine could not produce a male heir, he wanted to divorce her and marry Anne. The divorce would break the alliance between England and Spain and had therefore to be stopped. The Pope postponed until the king became impatient with Rome and declared himself Supreme Head of the church (Kilkenny, 2007). Later, he proclaimed himself pope of England. Subsequently, Henry married Anne on 25 January 1533 (Starkey, 2003). The break between England and Rome made reformation in England a reality. Queen Anne reigned for 1000 days between 1533 and 1536 (Starkey, 2003). She made strong enemies among the Roman Catholics since she favored reformation (Kilkenny, 2007). She had many miscarriages but nonetheless, she had one surviving daughter later to become Queen Elizabeth I. she ended up becoming England’s greatest queen. Bloody Mary reigned only for 5 years (1553-1558) and these were the bloodiest years in the history of England (Kilkenny, 2007). Due to refusal to convert to catholic, over 500 people were burned and they included Archbishop Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, Bishop Rochester among others (Warnicke, 1989). Bloody Mary married Philip II of Spain but died childless after failing to produce an heir (John, 2007). Gloriana the virgin Queen Elizabeth became queen on 17 November 1558 and reigned for 45 years (Kilkenny, 2007). During this period, both Spain and England were engaged in great efforts for world domination. It is during her reign that pope Pius excommunicated her in 1570. During this period also, Sir France Drake discovered California and the Spanish Amanda was defeated (Kilkenny, 2007). Queen Elizabeth paid for the creation of the Gaelic tongue, in Ireland (Olden, 1892). In conclusion, the Tudor dynasty ended with the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603 and James IV of Scotland became James I of England (Kilkenny, 2007). He witnessed completion of the translation of the bible in 1611and was referred to as the Authorized or the King James Version (Kilkenny, 2007). The Pilgrim father formed the first colony in the new world in 1620 that later grew to be the United States of Cabotia (Kilkenny, 2007). The Stuart Dynasty ended in 1688 and thereafter in 1694, the Bank of England was fully fledged and this gave English government authority over bankers and moneychangers (Kilkenny, 2007). Reference List Chrimes, S. B. (1972). Henry VII. California: University of California Press. Gravett, C. (1999). Bosworth 1485: last Charge of the Plantagenets. Oxford: Osprey. Hawes, P. (2009). Wars of the Roses: Lancaster Vs York. Rule book. New York: Z-Man Games, Inc. Horrox, R. (1989). Richard III. A study of Service. Cambridge.: Cambridge University Press. John, C. (2007). The Tudor Monarchy. Web. Kilkenny, N. (2007). Life and Times of King Henry VII and VIII. Retrieved from Markham, R. (1983). Henry V: Four Battles from the Hundred Years War. Cambria, CA: 3W. Game. Mattingly, G. (1941). Catherine of Aragon. New York: Vintage books. Olden, T. (1892). History of the Church of Ireland. London: Welles, Gardener, Darton and Co. Starkey, D. (2003). Six Wives: the Queens of Henry VIII. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Williams, D.T. (1996). The Battle of Bosworth field: 22nd August 1485. Leicester, UK: Bosworth Publications-Leicestershire County Cou ncil. This research paper on Rise of England as a European Power was written and submitted by user Jacob G. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Dinosaurs essays
Dinosaurs essays Something happened 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, something so devastating that it altered the course of life on earth. It seems like it happened so sudden, as geologic time goes, that almost all the dinosaurs living on earth disappeared. So how did these dominant creatures just die off? Was it a slow extinction, or did it happen all of the sudden? These questions bring rise to many different beliefs on how the dinosaur disappeared over 65 million years ago. Extinction itself is easily defined: When the birth rate fails to keep up with the death rate, it is called extinction. But, the definition does not answer the question about the nature or causes of extinction. Paleontologists generally divide extinctions into two types, for that of different causes arose. The first is called background extinctions, isolated extinctions of species due to a variety of causes. Included is out competition, depletion of resources in a habitat, changes in climate, the development or destruction of a mountain range, river channel migration, the eruption of a volcano, the drying of a lake, or the destruction of a forest, grassland, or wetland habitat. The second type of extinction is called mass extinctions. There are four main components involved: Large numbers of species go extinct; many types of species go extinct; the effects must be global; and the effects must occur in a geologically short period of time.1 The dinosaur could not have lived for ever. No creatures, no plants, no tiny bacteria are forever, not even Homo sapiens. Extinction is the fate of all species. One theory on how the dinosaurs became extinct is that of carbon dioxide, and the  ³greenhouse effect ². Volcanoes produced the proposed conditions. A massive volcanic eruption could have saturated the atmosphere with carbon dioxide so that it caused a sharp rise in temperatures worldwide. The excess ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Synonyms for Clothes
Synonyms for Clothes Synonyms for Clothes Synonyms for Clothes By Mark Nichol Words that refer collectively to one’s clothes have an origin in the sense of equipment or preparation; here are a dozen words available as alternatives to clothes. Apparel, ultimately derived from the Latin verb apparare, meaning â€Å"prepare,†started out in English as a verb but then came to be associated with clothing (as well as a ship’s rigging); apparatus is related. The origin of attire is the French word atirier, meaning â€Å"equip†or â€Å"prepare†; it, too, began as a verb. Clothes comes from the Old English plural of cloth. (When this sense became rare, cloth acquired a new plural: cloths.) Costume, from the Latin word consuetudinem, meaning â€Å"custom†or â€Å"habit†(costume and custom are cognate), was later associated with one’s style of dress. It is now mostly associated with clothing worn by performers or partygoers. Dress, which originally meant â€Å"prepare,†derives ultimately from the Latin term directus, meaning â€Å"direct†or â€Å"straight,†and later became a noun as well as a verb. The French term garnement, from the noun garner, meaning â€Å"adorn†or â€Å"provide†(also the source of garnish) was adopted into English as garment. Habiliments, from the Old French term abiller, meaning â€Å"equip†or â€Å"prepare,†originally referred to weaponry but came to pertain to characteristic attire, such as an outfit worn to identify a person’s occupation or tacitly prescribed clothing that is appropriate for a specific occasion, such as a formal-dress event. (Related words are able and ability, billet, habit, and habilitate.) Outfit originally meant to prepare and supply a sea expedition, then later became a noun referring to equipment and items required for such an undertaking by sea or by land and, by extension, to clothing. (It now also informally refers to a group of people.) The archaic word raiment derives from an Old French word areement, the noun form of the term areer, the origin of the English verb (and noun) array. Vestments comes ultimately from the Latin verb vestire, meaning â€Å"clothe,†by way of Old French; it’s related to vest. (Vestibule is unrelated, though the financial sense of vest, and the root word in invest and divest, are cognate, deriving from a sense of vestire that pertains to surrounding oneself with something figuratively as if putting on clothes.) Wardrobe, from the Old French word garderobe (and the dialectical variant warderobe), originally referred to a dressing room, then to one’s collection of clothing and later to a piece of furniture for storing clothing; the senses derive from the French warder, meaning â€Å"guard†or â€Å"keep,†and robe, which was directly borrowed into English to refer to a garment. The French form of the word has been used in English but is rare. (The connection between g and w in French words used in English is also seen, for example, in guarantee/warranty and Guillaume/William.) Wear, from an Old English term meaning â€Å"clothe†or â€Å"cover up†(and related to the ward in wardrobe), is generally used in combination to refer to a particular type of clothing, as in the terms sportswear and underwear. Slang terms for clothing include duds, garb, get-up, rags, rig, threads, and togs. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with8 Proofreading Tips And TechniquesRite, Write, Right, Wright
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing mix stimuli (including products, brands, advertisements, Essay
Marketing mix stimuli (including products, brands, advertisements, packaging, point-of-purchase display) are designed and manage - Essay Example In marketing a product, a marketer will always have to look at the four Ps of marketing and make sure that all the four Ps have been well considered and addressed. The four Ps Product The seller must look at the product and make sure it meets consumers’ needs. The product is the centre of the marketing strategy because it is the eventual interest f he customer. According to Belohlavek (2008, p. 15), the product is extremely influential in the marketing mix because it is the ultimate way in which the firm will deliver value and worth to the consumer. Produce development should therefore be the first point at which the marketing mix begins because the customers can only be willing to buy products that they think or know provide them with the value for their money. Price Every product has its price at which it is delivered to consumers. In this regard, the price of the product is an extremely beneficial aspect of marketing because it affects consumer behavior and decisions. It is itself affected by so many other factors such as culture, consumer attitudes and economic factors. Pricing is hugely valuable because the right pricing can give the firm a long term success while the wrong pricing strategy ca lead to the firm dying from the market. Place This refers to the availability of the product. Having the right product will not help the firm unless and until the brand is in the convenient place at the proper timing. Place plays a particularly significant role in the way the brand and its producer will be successful in the market place. It is therefore, every necessary to ensure that the brand is available to the target market to make sure users can conveniently access the product every time they need it. This increases the sales of the product as well as improving the user awareness of the product thus making it endeared to the consumers. Promotion To boost sales and deal with competition, promotion of the product becomes exceedingly prominent and makings su re has visibility is hugely crucial. There are a number of ways that any marketer or any firm scan use to expand the market. Promotion is communication with the potential and existing customers to enlighten them about the brand and its advanatages. One can use all of the possible methods such as internet, mass media, print media and any other available channel to communicate with consumers. Case: Apple and iPhone One of the firms that have been able to take care of the marketing mix is the American technology firm, Apple Inc. Apple Inc. produces a number of technology product from cell phones, table computes, laptop computers, desktop computers and including consumer software. However, for the purposes of this paper, the iPhone will be the only product considered. However, Apple has been able to apply the marketing mix for all its products and thus creating a tremendous success for its products. Product With regard to its product, Apple Inc. has been able to understand its industry in an exceptionally clear way so as to deliver a product that resonates with the needs of the consumers. Instead of being reactive to the market conditions, Apple Inc. is one of the fewest firms in the world that decided to be proactive in the way it meets consumers’ needs. It always delivers a product that is ahead of other firms in the same industry. This has enabled the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethics Mod 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethics Mod 5 - Essay Example SHA asks employers in the United States to comply with its regulations to ensure that they provide safe and healthful workplace, and it constantly monitors strict compliance to these regulations by conducting inspections, whistle-blower activities, post-incident follow-ups etc. According to the norms of this act, employer is basically held responsible for employees’ falls or injuries that occurred due to employer’s failure to provide adequate safety and health measures instructed in the OSH Act. OSH Act imposes a duty on employers to take steps to control risks to employees or third parties from slips, trips and falls. However, employees are also held responsible for falls or injuries if it happened due to their mistakes, because they are under the duty to behave in a responsible way to ensure their own safety and the third parties near to them. Even after 44 years since Congress passed the OSHA of 1970 by strictly instructing employers to provide workplace safety, security and health to make employees free from hazards, the toll of workplace injuries and deaths still remain unjustifiably high. As of OSHA’s report, there were 4,405 death cases in the United States due to falls or injuries in workplaces in 2013 (, 2015). Work injuries and hazards cause severe impacts on income inequalities and create a big burden of medical and other expenses on employees. In order to eliminate workplace injuries and its impacts, OSHA has not only made it stricter that employers are responsible for employees’ injuries, but also asked employers to become familiar with standards applicable for their establishments or workplace environments. According to many health and safety professionals today, simply complying with OSHA standards is not sufficient to safeguard all employees in the workplace. Instead, these professional s have developed extensive written compliance programs with which compliance is achieved and maintained as part of the all-encompassing safety and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Organic vs Non Organic Foods Essay Example for Free
Organic vs Non Organic Foods Essay It’s hard to walk into a grocery store and not notice a certain new kind of trend. There is a growing urge to have more organic items on shelves. The general belief is that organic items tend to be better for the consumer and the environment when compared to non-organic items. Although many people cant tell the difference, there are multiple pros and cons between organic and nonorganic. In terms of consumer health, both organic and processed foods have their benefits. The benefits of processed foods are that scientists can place additives that increase the nutritional value. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz (2010), this helps to â€Å"prevent neural-tube defects and certain childhood cancers, boost brain development and may increase intelligence, and reduce the incidence of rickets. †This means that theres nutrients that can be added to aid in helping the country with disease prevention. Organic foods lack the ability to be genetically modified but offer their own benefits as well. According to Maria Rodale (2010), some organically grown foods have â€Å" more conjugated linleic acid, which is a powerful cancer-fighting nutrient. †Both these types of food can help consumers healthy and prevent disease. There are some alarming differences between organic and processed foods especially when considering agriculture. â€Å"Organic†means that a food is grown without the aid of pesticides or fertilizers. Organic farmers use manure and nothing else to grow fruits, vegetables, and grains. It says in The Organic Myth that this can lead to some bad cases of E. Coli that wouldn’t be present in foods grown with pesticides since there are all sorts of bacteria in the manure (2004). The reverse is that without all those chemicals being sprayed on crops, you tend to have less pollution. Rodale states, â€Å"Growing foods organically prevents thousands of toxic chemicals from entering the environment and poisoning our soil, our wells, our wildlife, our children and ourselves†(2010). Organic goods also tend to cost more leading to them being classified as a luxury item. The downside is that most cattle and genetically altered crops have â€Å"unwanted additives like growth hormone and chemicals†(Oz 2010). It’s hard to know whether it’s worth the money to go organic or just stick with the usual. Foods grown without the aids of pesticides seem to be beneficial to the consumer and the environment, which is a big selling point for those who want to go green. On the other hand they are much more costly than non-organic crops. Many people would rather risk the potentially harmful additives to shave a few bucks of the price. It all depends on preference and beliefs but its definitely easy to see where they offer there own pros and cons. Miller, M. (2004). The Organic Myth. National Review, 56(2), 35-37. Oz, M. (2010). The Organic Alternative. Time, 176(9), 46-46. Rodale, M. (2010). 15 WAYS TO CHANGE THE WORLD (and your life) ONE APPLE AT A TIME. Mens Health (10544836), 25(3), 113-138.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
eBay and Cable TV :: essays research papers
Cable Tv has long been considering ways in which they could create an interactive experience for viewers. Most plans fell to the wayside and were not taken seriously due to lack of interest, as well as, a surge in more profitable sectors including digital cable, high-speed Internet, and telephony. Any interest that was given to Interactive Television (ITV) centered around shopping. Analysts such as Gary Arlen, president of Arlen Communicaitons, note that the rise of e-commerce has made consumers more comfortable with buying things from a screen. Despite the reluctance of consumers to adapt, and due to the change in consumer spending habits, cable TV operaters have a renewed interest in ITV and are trying to work out a way that viewers can use a remote control to make purchases as instantly as they change channels. Time Warner Cable has teamed with eBay to smooth the transition and for a test group of 50,000 participants in the Austin, Texas area, ITV became a reality last Thursday. Those researched were already renting boxes from the cable service and subscribed to its digital video recorder service before being introduced to the new concept. This "trial" effort is being offered at no charge and marks the first deal for the Plano, TX-based Biap System's eBay on TV service. Users of the service can access their eBay accounts, submit new bids on watched items, and track existing bids with a remote control, but no search of eBay is currently offered unfortunately. Though using eBay to revitalize the ITV concept is a smart move, eBay is not the first ITV channel. Always on the cutting edge of consumer technology, Sharper Image launched its ITV offer in February on satellite TV programming provider Dish Network.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kolb’s Learning Theory Essay
Experiential Learning Kolb’s experiential learning theory is a holistic perspective that combines experience, perception, cognition, and behaviour. The theory presents a cyclical model of learning, consisting of four stages shown below. One may begin at any stage, but must follow each other in the sequence: * Concrete experience ( or â€Å"Do†) * Reflective observation ( or â€Å"Observe†) * Abstract conceptualization ( or â€Å"Think†) * Active experimentation ( or â€Å"Plan†) Kolb’s four-stage learning cycle shows how experience is translated through reflection into concepts, which in turn are used as guides for active experimentation and the choice of new experiences. The first stage, concrete experience (CE), is where the learner actively experiences an activity such as a lab session or field work. The second stage, reflective observation (RO), is when the learner consciously reflects back on that experience. The third stage, abstract conceptualization (AC), is where the learner attempts to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed. The fourth stage, active experimentation (AE), is where the learner is trying to plan how to test a model or theory or plan for a forthcoming experience. Kolb identified four learning styles which correspond to these stages. The styles highlight conditions under which learners learn better. These styles are: * assimilators, who learn better when presented with sound logical theories to consider * convergers, who learn better when provided with practical applications of concepts and theories * accommodators, who learn better when provided with â€Å"hands-on†experiences * divergers, who learn better when allowed to observe and collect a wide range of information.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
AB Thorsten Case Study Analysis
In my view, manufacture of XL-4 in Sweden is a well laid out plan and Mr. Ekstrom and his team has done good research and analysis of the project. However, I would not authorize the investment. To start with, the investment in Sweden will cost the company heavily as it will involve setting up a new factory at a whooping cost of Skr. 76.385 million.In making investments decisions, we must always consider all possible alternatives then come up with the most viable one. In this case for example, we have an option of expanding the Canadian plant which supplies the Swedish market to provide for the proposed increase in market share at a cost of only Skr. 7.183.The expansion would not only ensure minimal rise in the fixed costs but also save the company due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the Canadian plant. As compared to the five years that the company will take to recover its investments for the Swedish plant, upgrading the Canadian plant will only take 2.5 years to give the compan y a return on its investments.In addition, the company stands to benefit form the high internal rates of return in Canada which are set at 60% as opposed to the Canadian 15.7% rate of return (Torre, 1999). Incorporating the production of more XL-4 to supply the 400 tons demand in the Swedish market would therefore prove more viable as it will save more resources.The resources saved could actually be used for other purposes or be invested in projects that will bring forth higher returns within a shorter time such as investing in bonds and bank certificates. The investment in Sweden should therefore not be undertaken.According to Ekstrom and his team, the proposed project was going to be a major breakthrough for the company with a potential market of 800 tons of XL-4 in Sweden. Customer trial conducted using three major companies have revealed that indeed the technology of XL-4 can save the companies a great deal in terms of costs, material handling and fuel.Ekstrom and his team are c alling to the management to help in setting up a plant producing 400 tons of XL-4 each year at a cost of about Skr. 76.385 million in plant and machinery.Working capital of about Skr. 5.6 million will be required as working capital. Ekstrom states that the plant can recover 60% of its inventory costs from the taxable income as the Swedish law permits it. The plant's life after which it will have to be renovated to suit advancement in technology is given as seven years.By the end of the seven years, the Swedish plant should have reached a net present value of Skr. 15 million after taxes. The analysis is well performed using modern management tools and they are highly optimistic of all the figures presented.The analysis however does not include the sales projects in case the company may decide to expand to Europe and the rest of Scandinavia. On the question as to where the funds would come from, Ekstrom explained that funding could be obtained from borrowing in Swedish banks if the de mand surpassed 400 tons.The Canadian divisional management is against the investments. They give several reasons to support their arguments. Gichoud, the director of sales argues that the sales of 400 tons per year were far too optimistic citing from his experience in marketing (Torre, 1999).According to him, there is no way they can make 400 tons sales in Sweden alone while Roget's overall world market is only 600 tons. Director of manufacturing, Levanchy is also not very keen on the project saying that the manufacturing processes is very complicated for Sweden to undertake even with the presence of trained workers.The Canadian management insists that this is an expensive undertaking for the company taking up a lot of money which could have been saved if the production was done in Canada.They compare the returns and number of years taken to get a return on the investments. As opposed to Sweden which will use initial costs of Skr. 76.385, Canada would spend Skr. 7.183; get returns i n 2.5 years as opposed to Sweden's five years; get a higher rate of return on capital of 60% as compared to Sweden's 15%.The issues of uncertainty and market trends are ignored in estimating the demand of XL-4. Customer choice resulting from competition, increase in technology and changes in the markets is an important consideration before making an investment.In the event that a new product comes to the market before the seven years proposed by Ekstrom and his team are over, the division is likely to suffer losses from the huge investments. Take for example that the target 400 tons per year falls due to the changes in market or emergence of a competitor.The predicted plant's net value would be lower than Skr. 15 million. A 15% return cannot also be achieved. The management therefore ought to give an allowance for any changes in the market. This proposal takes the market as a constant playing ground which according to them will only change after seven years.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Best AP Environmental Science Study Guide
The Best AP Environmental Science Study Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you studying for your AP Environmental Science class and/or the end of the year AP exam? Reviewing for any AP exam is tricky, and many students who take AP Environmental Science aren’t sure how they should be studying. This AP Environmental Science study guide will walk you through how to develop a review plan for AP Enviro, give study tips, and provide links to notes and practice exams to make your review more effective. How to Use This AP Environmental Science Study Guide As mentioned above, this guide can be used both for reviewing for the final AP exam as well as preparing for regular class tests and quizzes throughout the year. I’ll begin by walking you through the steps you need to take to develop a solid review plan regardless of when you begin studying. Once you have your plan set in place, I’ll go over tips you can follow to give your review an extra boost and make sure you’re getting enough out of it. After you’re clear on how to review for AP Enviro, you need to make sure your review covers each of the topics you’ll be tested on, so the next section links to notes you can use to review course content. Finally, I’ll end by linking to and evaluating different practice resources so you can be sure you’re using high-quality materials for when you begin reviewing for the AP exam, if you haven’t already started. Creating a Study Plan for AP Environmental Science This section walks you through how to study for AP Environmental Science for both semesters of the class. In the next section, I’ll give you some tips to help make your studying more effective. First Semester The best way to prepare for AP classes is to do regular studying throughout the year. Get into the habit early by beginning the process your first semester. #1: Start Early Be sure to start your studying early (by the middle of the first semester) and review regularly throughout the year. Doing regular review will help you stay on top of the material, keep you prepared for class exams, and make reviewing for the final AP test less overwhelming in the spring. #2: Begin Reviewing Material During your first semester, you’re still learning the majority of the material you need to know for the exam, so your study plan should focus primarily on reviewing content you’ve already learned and starting to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the AP exam. Early on in the semester, you should create a schedule for when you will review the course material. You can choose to do this once a week, once every two weeks, or whatever works best. You may also want to purchase a review book at this time. Review books can be particularly helpful because they condense the information and focus exclusively on what you need to know for the AP exam. Read reviews before you purchase a review book to make sure other people have found it helpful and it’s the kind of book that you want. When reviewing the course material, use your class notes and review book (if you have one). If you’re missing notes or want to look at them in an organized way, we’ve collected some of the best AP Enviro notes out there (see the AP Environmental Science Notes section below). These notes include links to topics from each of the course’s seven main topics, vocab definitions, overviews of major environmental laws, and more. When reviewing your notes, it’s very important to study them actively and not just drag your eyes across the page. Every few minutes, stop and mentally review what you’ve just read to make sure you’re retaining the information. Underlining and jotting down your own notes can also help. #3: Answer (Select) Practice Questions During the first semester, taking a full-length practice exam won’t be that helpful because you haven’t covered enough topics at this point. For this semester, focus on answering free-response questions from the College Board (look through them to find ones that focus on information you’ve already covered) and unofficial quizzes that focus on specific content areas (the Environmental Science and Learnerator quizzes are good resources for this. To find these resources, read the practice materials below, and you can also review our dedicated guide which has the full list of collected practice materials for AP Environmental Science. Second Semester/AP Exam Review Since you’ve now covered a majority of the material, second semester is when you should begin to really focus on reviewing for the AP exam. Here are the steps you should follow this semester. #1: Take a Complete Practice Test You now know enough material to take a complete practice exam. Doing this will give you experience for the actual AP test and let you know where your strengths and weaknesses are and what you should focus the rest of your review on. Take the test under realistic testing conditions (90 minutes each for multiple-choice and free-response sections, no calculator, and taken in one sitting). I recommend taking the Barron’s exam as your first complete practice exam since it is high-quality but allows you to save the official complete practice test for later in your review. After you’ve completed the exam, score it and see how well you did. Official practice materials come with scoring guidelines, and many unofficial resources are automatically scored, but if you need help estimating your score, use this score calculator. (It’s based on 2008 results so it won’t be completely accurate, but it’ll give you a good estimate.) Your score on this test will help you figure out how well you’re doing and how much studying you need to do. Most students should aim for a 4 or 5 on this exam since it isn’t overly difficult, but if you’re scoring very low or know you won’t be able to devote much time to studying, you may want to aim for a 3 instead. If you’re close to the score you want, you may only need to do light review, but if you’re two points away or more, you’ll likely have to put in some significant time to meet your goal. #2: Review Your Mistakes After taking and scoring your first full-length practice test, look to see where you got questions wrong. Look for patterns in the questions you answered incorrectly. Did you do well on the free-response questions but missed a lot of multiple-choice? Did questions that required calculations trip you up? The primary reason for taking practice tests is to find where your weaknesses are and improve in those areas, and the only real way to do that is to start by figuring out exactly why you got certain questions wrong. #3: Strengthen Your Weak Areas Don’t just immediately move on to your next practice test, spend time strengthening areas you need to improve on. Perhaps you need to learn how to complete your essays faster, or you realized you really don’t know anything about the nitrogen cycle. Get these gaps taken care of before you take another practice test, otherwise, you won’t see your scores improve. Strengthening these areas may include reviewing relevant notes, answering practice questions, and/or altering your test-taking strategies (for example, you may frequently make careless mistakes, which means you need to slow down and read questions more carefully). #4: Take and Score a Second Practice Exam After you feel you’ve reviewed sufficiently, take another practice exam, either the official released test or Varsity Tutors’ multiple-choice section with official free-response questions added to it (see the Practice Materials section for links to these resources). If you’ve improved a lot and are close to or have met your score target, you may only need to do some light review until the AP test. If you’ve improved somewhat but still haven’t met your score target, repeat the above steps again to continue working on your weaknesses. If you’ve seen little or no improvement, you’ll have to alter your review methods. Think about how you’ve been reviewing and where you can make improvements. For example, you may not have been paying close enough attention to your notes or just passively read through them instead of engaging with them. Make a list of things you’ll change (such as studying more actively, paying closer attention to your notes etc.) and implement those changes as you go through the above steps again. Here’s a brief recap of the process you should be following: Take and score your first practice exam (4 hours) Evaluate your mistakes (1.5 hours) Improve your weak areas by doing focused content study and completing practice problems (2.5 hours) Take and score a second practice exam (4 hours) Repeat the steps above as often as you need to in order to make sure you’ve eliminated your weaknesses for the AP exam and are ready when it comes time to test day. Tips and Strategies for Reviewing AP Environmental Science Below are three top tips you should keep in mind as you study for the AP Enviro course and final exam. Implementing these tips will make your studying both more effective and more focused. #1: Keep Up on Current Environmental Issues Environmental science is an area where we are constantly learning new information. Much of what we know on this subject has only been discovered in the past few decades, and sometimes just the past few years. This means that there are many important environmental developments that recently occurred and/or are still going on now. While the AP exam won’t ask you about some environmental finding that appeared on the news last week, it does frequently reference recent environmental news and events. You can help yourself stay updated on environmental science by reading environmentally-focused articles, following environmental organizations or people on social media, and following current environmental issues being debated by politicians. Doing so will help reinforce the events and concepts you learned about in class, and it can make the subject much more interesting. #2: Make Connections Between Topics AP Environmental Science strongly emphasizes the fact that all systems on Earth are interconnected, and nothing exists in independent of everything else. As a result, many questions on the exam focus on making connections between two or more concepts. This means that learning about each topic in isolation won’t help you much on the exam; you need to know how that topic affects and is affected by other parts of the Earth. You can help yourself make connections between concepts by drawing diagrams or webs that show how different topics are connected (such as the nitrogen, carbon, and water cycles, for example), and regularly asking yourself how whatever concept you’re learning is connected to other topics you’ve covered in the class. #3: Brush Up on Your Math Skills There are questions on both the multiple-choice and free-response sections of the exam that require calculations. However, you are not allowed a calculator for any part of the exam which means you will have to complete all these calculations by hand. None of the calculations you’ll be asked to complete will be particularly long or complicated, but if it’s been a long time since you’ve done long-division and the like, you may want to get some practice in. Taking a long time to complete calculations can prevent you from answering other questions on the exam, so get some practice in so that these questions don’t trip you up. Check out the Environmental Science Formulas in the Notes section below to get an idea of some of the formulas you might be asked to complete. Doing practice multiple-choice questions that require calculations and data set free-response questions can also help you brush up on your skills. AP Environmental Science Notes As mentioned above, you can use these notes to supplement your studying as you review for the class and the final AP exam. The notes are organized by the seven major topics that AP Environmental Science covers. Within each major topic are more specific areas of focus. The vocabulary links are organized by chapter from the 13th edition of the Living in the Environment textbook. The vocabulary notes give brief definitions for each of the major keywords you need to know for AP Environmental Science. Remember to actively read these notes while studying. Underlining, drawing diagrams, and rewriting parts of the notes in your own words will help you much more than simply moving your eyes across the page. For more information on these notes and how to use them, check out our special dedicated guide for AP Environmental Science notes. #1: Earth Systems and Resources Notes Earth Science Concepts The Atmosphere Environmental Philosophies Vocabulary Chapter 1: Environmental Issues, Their Causes, and Sustainability Chapter 2: Environmental History, an Overview Chapter 10: Geology #2: The Living World Notes Energy Flow Ecosystem Diversity Biological Communities Biomes Vocabulary Chapter 3: Science, Systems, Matter, and Energy Chapter 4: Ecosystems Chapter 5: Evolution and Biodiversity Chapter 6: Biogeography Chapter 7: Aquatic Ecology Chapter 8: Community Ecology #3: Population Notes Population Biology Concepts Human Population Vocabulary Chapter 9: Population Dynamics, Carrying Capacity, and Conservation Biology Chapter 12: The Human Population #4: Land and Water Use Notes Agriculture Water Global Economics Vocabulary Chapter 13: Food Resources Chapter 14: Water Resources Chapter 15: Geologic Resources #5: Energy Resources and Consumption Notes Conventional Energy Sustainable Cities and Personal Action Sustainable Energy Vocabulary Chapter 16: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy #6: Pollution Notes Pollution Types Air Pollution Water Pollution Impacts on the Environment and Human Health Vocabulary Chapter 11: Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health Chapter 17: Air and Air Pollution Chapter 19: Water Pollution Chapter 21: Solid and Hazardous Waste #7: Global Change Notes Pests Vocabulary Chapter 18: Climate Change and Ozone Loss Chapter 20: Pesticides and Pest Control Chapter 22: Sustaining Wild Species Chapter 23: Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity AP Environmental Science Formulas These short guides (also from CourseNotes) include many of the common formulas you’ll use and need to understand in AP Environmental Science. Acid Rain Air Pollution Control and Prevention Air Pollution Formulas Ozone Formation and Destruction Photochemical Smog The Carbon Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle This looks pretty, but you probably shouldn't do it to your notes. AP Environmental Science Practice Materials Even now that you have a study plan you can use, it can be difficult to find high-quality practice materials. Luckily, we’re here to help! You can check out a comprehensive guide to all practice materials for AP Environmental Science, but below are the best quizzes and tests for you to start using. All of these resources are free to access. There is one complete and official practice test available from the College Board. While unofficial, Barron’s has a high-quality complete practice test. If you’re looking for free-response questions, there are dozens of examples from previous AP exams that you should use. For multiple-choice questions, there’s 17 official practice questions you can look at in the official Course Description for AP Enviro. Varsity Tutors also has a 100-question multiple-choice test. You can combine these multiple-choice questions with a set of official free-response questions above in order to create a complete practice test. Summary: Key Strategies for AP Environmental Science AP Environmental Science covers a lot of topics, but if you know how to properly review and set up a study plan early, you greatly increase your chances of getting a great score on the AP exam. During the first semester, you should focus primarily on reviewing content you learned in class and practicing relevant free-response questions. Second semester is when you’ll start focused review for the AP exam. Taking an initial practice test, evaluating your score, and targeting your weaknesses will help you minimize your weak areas and be strong across the board. Use the notes and practice materials linked in this guide to help supplement your review. What's Next? Looking for more details on what to expect from the AP Enviro class? Check out our complete guide to the course. Want some more practice tests and quizzes to enhance your studying? You've got it! We have a ton of practice resources for you to use to study for the AP Enviro exam, and, in the guide, we tell you what each resource is best for. Wondering when you should start studying for AP Enviro and other AP exams? In our guide, we help you figure out exactly when you need to start cracking open those review books. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Interview Tucker Max dishes on the state of publishing
Interview Tucker Max dishes on the state of publishing "How I made Simon Schuster give me my own publishing company:" An Interview with Tucker Max As you probably know if you’re a frequent reader of this blog, there are now many ways to bring a book to market. Whether it’s in print or digital, self-published or through a publisher, with or without an agent, the choices available to a new author is almost mind-boggling. Tucker Max is different. As the author of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, he ignored all the options available to writers and made publishers do what they’d never done before - give an author their own publishing company.In these times of great change, it's possible for authors to forge their own path - as Tucker did by picking and choosing the elements of self-publishing and traditional publishing that make the most sense for his book.Watch our interview with Tucker - or read the transcript below - for some inspiration! How publishing worked 15 years agoHi Tucker, it’s great to have you with us today. Let’s start from the beginning - can you tell us from the early days when you started to write and wanted to get your stories out into books?Tucker: Yeah, I started in writing in a totally different era (2001). I used to send emails to my friends, and they thought they were really funny. They kept telling me, †you need to publish this. This needs to be a book." Question 3: Why is that audience going to care? What are you going to say that's interesting and valuable to them?If you cannot answer those three questions clearly, then don't write a book.Now let's say you can answer those three questions. I would say that for almost all non-fiction, the best bet is to self-publish. That way you get to control the rights to the book, and you can use it to promote whatever it is you're trying to promote. As soon as you go traditional, you have now sold the rights and royalties to that book to someone else. So you can't give copies away. If you're trying to do speaking gigs with the book, you've got to buy the book at price from your publisher.If you want to do excerpts, if you want to use the content other places, you don't own the content anymore, the publisher does. And they don't care about your business at all. They care about selling actual copies of the book. So for most non-fiction authors, their goals are not aligned with a publisher’ s goals. So that's why going self-publishing is the better route, for almost all non-fiction authors.Photo credit: Mac Danzig.If you're a non-fiction author, do you agree with Tucker's take on publishing? What has been your experience of working with a traditional publisher, if any? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Marketing - Assignment Example The spa will offer massage in different variety of styles including traditional massage, deep tissue work, hot stone massage, pregnancy, reflexology, sports and others. (Bplans, 2010). Treatments on body and face using the best products such as Pevonia’s Anti Free Radical Treatment a...... Turnover will be a major consideration in formulating which marketing strategies to be used. Their type and their numbers are also equally important so as to bring a variety of the products to fit in the various types of customers. It will target potential clients both male and female within ten mile radius within our location at a busy plaza in the city. Both individual employees/self employed and non employed employees are also placed in the plan. In order to acquire clients, the spas will implement a very aggressive marketing and networking in the business community through advertising in the media and going to the business premises to carry out presentations, followed by offering the best services in the health spa business. Skilled therapists and trainers include the personnel. Their prices are also competitive in the area so will give a better financial advantage. Pricing approach includes; penetration pricing, promotional pricing and premium pricing. Penetration pricing is nor mally put first and includes setting the prices very low to gain market share. Promotional pricing comes in order to enable the business to buy for long term. Premium pricing will be used lastly which involves setting a very high price of the unique product to gain competitive advantage from the other competitors in the market. Social sites like face book, twitter, you\tube will be of great marketing help, and also in the company’s website. Sales promotion using short term incentives to encourage business to respond and undertake some activity and personal contact between Bodywise Health spa and prospective business clients through face to face meetings and tele-marketing will help maintain they spas competitive edge. The success of the business is
Friday, November 1, 2019
Shakeaspear's Sonnets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Shakeaspear's Sonnets - Essay Example He says that when he thinks of the past, he remembers that he had sought many things then, and regrets that he had not been able to acquire any of those things by now. The use of words like ‘sigh’ and ‘lack’ accentuates his gloomy mood and unhappy thoughts. By saying ‘many a thing I sought,’ again the sense of unfullfilment and feeling of being in a deprived state are brought through to the reader. â€Å"And with old woes new wail my dear times’ waste†: Here he expresses that his thoughts about the old miseries, renews them afresh, and he â€Å"wails†his â€Å"dear times’ waste.†Once again the use of alliteration: starting the words ‘woes’, ‘wails’ and ‘waste’ with the same consonant ‘w’, emphasizes his expression of loss, and how it affected him to think that his precious time in the past had been wasted, as he lacked now many of those things that he had so ught then. The usage of ‘old’ and ‘new’ which are of opposite meaning, closely placed: ‘And with old woes new wail†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is an example of Shakespeare’s stylistic expression. The second quatrain of the sonnet expresses the poet’s grief at the loss of ‘precious friends’. who he says are hidden in ‘death’s dateless night’. Again, the use of alliteration, i.e. repetition of the starting consonant ‘d’ in two consecutive words, adds to the rhythm of the line. The word ‘dateless’ alludes to the timelessness of death, which is eternal. The use of another poetic device ‘assonance’ is used to enhance the rhythm: i.e. similar vowel sounds in accented syllables, as the short ‘e’ sound in the words ‘precious friends.’ This is also seen in the beginning of the sonnet: ‘When to the sessions’ and ‘remembrance’. Also, the first and last words of the poem: When and end also have assonance, and serve the function of unifying the entire poem. The same tone of sad loss is repeated when he talks of weeping again over old
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Summery and Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summery and Critical Analysis - Essay Example The company also has to ensure that the marketing analysis is done perfectly and this involves issues such as surveying the potential markets and finding out the types of markets that their services can supply without any issues. It is also necessary that an individual realize their niche in the market to ensure that they give the best services they can to their clients. The chapter is very exhaustive on the topic of marketing as the reader gets to know the various issues about marketing and the way that the design marketer can get his company to get more and more clients. The chapter is exhaustive on the four principles of marketing which include the price, the product, the place and the promotional strategy put in place to ensure that the product is well known among the customer base. A marketing plan is include in the chapter which helps in enabling the reader on how to come up with a good plan to market the products and how to reach out to the most suitable markets in the industry (Russel). Promotional basics talks of the different ways that a firm makes their products known to the public. While promotion includes things such as advertising, public relations is concerned more with the fact the company’s image in the eyes of the public. One of the major ways that firms can establish coverage is by having press releases. Press releases is one of the major ways that firms get exposure and people get to know of the firm and the goods that they deal in. There is also promotion through social media as people are increasingly using the internet to find goods and products. Therefore, it would be useful for a design company to advertise their services on the social media platforms available (Russel). One advantage of social media is that it is a much cheaper way of advertising and it is easy to attract customers through the pictures posted. Newspaper advertisements are also
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study Of Autocratic Leadership Style Management Essay
Study Of Autocratic Leadership Style Management Essay There are many ways to lead and every leader has his own style. Some of the most common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Autocratic Leadership Style This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations.Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. These studies say that autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees  Do not believe the staff  Do not allow for employee input  Nevertheless, the autocratic leadership is not so bad.Sometimes it is the most effective style to use. Such situations may include:  Employees do not respond to any other style of leadership  There are high volumes of production needs on a daily basis  There is limited time for decision  Work must be coordinated with another department or organization autocratic leadership style should not be used in the following cases:  Employees become tense, fearful, or resentful  Employees are expected to have their opinion heard  Employees begin depending on their manager to have all their solutions  There is low employee morale, high turnover and absenteeism and work stoppages Bureaucratic Leadership Style Bureaucratic leadership where the manager manages by the book. All must be done in accordance with the procedure or policy. If this does not apply to books, the manager refers to the next level above him or her. This manager is really more police officers than the leader. He or she apply the rules. This style can be effective if: Employees perform routine tasks over and over again. Employees must understand the specific standards or procedures. Employees working with hazardous or fragile equipment that requires a set of procedures for the job. Safety and security training is conducted. Employees perform tasks that require cash handling. This style does not be effective if: Skills of the forms that are difficult to break, especially if they are no longer useful. Employees are losing interest in their work and their colleagues. Employees do only what is expected of them and nothing more. Democratic Leadership Style It encourages employees to be part of decision-making process.Democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem-solving responsibilities. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and quantity of work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond cooperation, team spirit and high morale.Typically, the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees assess their own performance Allows employees to set goals Encourages employees to grow jobs and encourage Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate.It is most successful when using highly skilled and experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or permits a person or group problems. The democratic leadership style is most effective if: The leader wants employees informed about matters that affect them. The leader wants employees to participate in decision-making and problem-solving responsibilities. There is a large and complex problem that requires a lot of input to solve. you want to promote team building and participation. Democratic leadership should not be used in the following cases: There is not enough time to get the input of each. Its easier and more cost effective for the manager to decide. Business can not afford mistakes. The manager feels threatened by this type of leadership. Laissez-Faire Leadership Style This kind leadership style is also known as hands-off  ¨ style. This is where the manager gives little direction and gives employees more freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to employees, and they must set goals, make decisions and solve problems independently . This is an effective style to use when: Employees are highly skilled, experienced and educated. Employees have pride in their work and desire to do it successfully yourself. Reliable and experienced staff. This style should not be used in the following cases: It makes employees feel insecure in the absence of the manager. The manager can not provide regular feedback to employees know how well they are doing. The manager does not understand their responsibilities and hopes that staff can cover for him or her. P7. Explain the different motivational theories and their application within the workplace Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is the most widespread theory. He believes that human beings have desires that influence their behavior in particular unmet needs. needs come in order of importance. person to the next level is necessary if low-level need is satisfied. on the need to level the person moves, more personality and mental health reveals. These requirements, from a lowest to highest are: psychological, health and safety, social, esteem and self-actualization.Examples of physiological needs are food and water. Security refers to security, freedom from violence, safety, and others.Social is a sense of belonging as family, friends, colleagues and other professionals. Self-esteem is a need for approval, recognition, status, etc. And, finally, self-actualization refers to the need for personal growth through education, religion, hobbies, and others. According to Maslow, it would be difficult to achieve the ultimate goal of self-realization, if the following goals are not met or taken care of first. Food, water, shelter these are just some of our most pressing needs, which precede all others. For example, it would be silly to worry about how to become emotionally stable, when you can not even have a decent meal or if you are seriously ill. Taking care of immediate needs, you can begin to take care of the higher needs. Just as Maslows hierarchy of needs, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory is a need-based theory of motivation. This theory is considered more powerful than Maslow, because it is easier to understand. two-factor theory says that certain factors in the workplace leads to job satisfaction. Others did not affect the satisfaction, but if not can lead to dissatisfaction These factors of motivation and hygiene factors. Motivators to ensure job satisfaction. This includes the recognition, responsibilities and tasks. Hygiene factors are so called because, like hygiene, their presence will not make people healthier, but their absence can cause decay. Examples of these include salaries, fringe benefits, job security. Hygiene factors, therefore, can determine dissatisfaction and motivators determine satisfaction. Both scales are independent and one can score high on both factors. Vrooms Expectancy Theory explains why people choose a certain course of action. Unlike the three aforementioned theories, Vrooms theory is not need-based. There are three variables in this theory: Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality. Valence refers to the importance of the anticipated outcome of a situation. Expectancy is the belief that the effort exerted and success of the situation are related. Instrumentality means the success is related the expectations Vrooms Expectancy theory could sometimes be associated with work situation just like Herzbergs Two Factor Theory. But, in actuality, this theory is applicable to almost all kinds of situations whether work-related or not. Vrooms expectancy theory simply espoused the idea that the reason people do some things is because they expect a certain outcome. I apply Vrooms expectancy theory to my professional life because I believe in doing things not because I want to attain a certain reward but I want to attain something I truly desire for myself. For instance, I do a good job at the office not because I want a promotion, although it is part of it, but because I expect to feel fulfilled after having done something worthwhile. P8. The relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management: Different motivation theories have different effects. Motivation has to be built into the structure and without the motivational theory without the practice of management. You cannot practice motivation if you do not first have a theory or concept. In order to be a great manager or leader you have to be a good motivator, you should know what motivates your staff and what doesnt. A manager who cannot motivate or doesnt know how to motivate cannot do a good job, his job is to improve the performance of the staff and motivate all of them. P9. Describe the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations: Nature of groups The term group can be defined as, two or more persons interacting and working together to get a job or something done. When people work in groups rather than as individuals, the goals of the organization can be easily achieved. Groups can get a job done fast and usually accurate, group members could gather information and tell each other if they are doing something wrong or not, and they could appoint themselves to do a specific job which they are best in to contribute as much as possible to the group. People form groups for various reasons. Maybe get a job done faster or even to get a job done while not putting as much effort if youre the only one working on something. Various Types of Groups: There are formal and informal groups in organizations. Various groups exist within the organization and they are of varying degrees of formalization. Groups in organizations are of various types based on the number of members they have and the interactions between them. Formal Groups A group formed by the organization to accomplish a specific task is termed as a formal group. The organization sets up a formal group and allocates tasks and responsibilities to different members with the intention of achieving organizational goals. Command groups and task groups are examples of formal groups. A command group is relatively permanent in nature and finds representation in the organization chart. Functional departments of organizations are considered as command groups. Task groups, on the other hand, are formed for a specific task and are temporary in nature. They are dissolved after the task is accomplished. After dissolution of the task group, the members of the task group continue as members of their respective functional departments or command groups with reduced duties. Informal Groups Informal groups are formed by the employees themselves. The reasons for the formation of informal groups could be the need for companionship, common interests, growth, recreation, or support. There are two types of informal groups friendship groups and interest groups. Members of friendship groups have a cordial relationship with each other, common interests and are similar. They like each others company and want to spend time together. Interest groups are formed to organize an activity and are temporary in nature. Informal groups mainly satisfy the social needs of members.            With regards to nature of groups, I would just like to add that members may have conflicting ideas and having your views challenged should could either reaffirm your own beliefs or transcend them-people should come into groups with an open mind. P10. Investigate the Factors Lead to Effective Teamwork and Influences that Threaten Success: In todays workplace, the group leaders need to solve complicated problems and to take ideas from their first stage through a series of complex processes to a successful completion. This kind of work cannot be done alone. There are just too many demands, task requirements and various sources of information required to do it without the support of others. The most important factor that can lead to efficient teamwork is motivation, it is a team leaders job to delegate tasks and to make sure that each member of their team contributes and is good at what they do. For example, if Picasso was one of the members in your group then you should give him a task that requires creativity, since being creative and artistic is his strength then it seems that natural that hell be good at what hes assigned to do. Leaders should build a relationship with its members by making ideas together and supporting it, and even improving each others ideas. They must be open and approachable P11. Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization:   The use of new technologies can improve and in some cases hinder team functioning. As technology changes teams must update and maintain their knowledge in order to function effectively. Technologies which have improved team functions Computers Internet Email Cell Phones Blackberry Groupware PDA Personal computers allow team members to carry out various tasks and communicate more effectively. Laptop computers allow you to do this anywhere. They are now lighter, more powerful and a longer battery life. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) now have much of the same functionality as laptops, but are smaller, more portable and have a longer battery life. Many PDAs now have wifi as standard and some are also phones (and some phones have many PDA features). Internet has been a huge, worldwide explosion in the use of the Internet. It is already changing the way we work, shop, bank etc. Information technology has had an impact on the way we work for quite some time, but the Internet has now added electronic mail (email), teleworking and video conferencing to the workplace. E-mail allows direct communication which means team members do not need to be in the same place at the the same time in order to communicate effectively. E-mail also has its negative aspects in terms of managing e-mail and the misuse of e-mail. Cell phones have come a long way since the 1980s and there are now more mobile phones in the UK then there are people. Mobile phones allow teams to communicate even when team members are out of the office, on the road or otherwise unavailable. Sometimes having always access to team members can hinder team functioning. Phone technologies such as blackberry and 3G datacards allow team members to work and communicate remotely. Groupware enables teams to plan meetings, collaborate, delegate all within a virtual environment which can often be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world. Technology is found in its various forms in small and large businesses, the service sector, and state institutions, manufacturing companies, educational departments, multi-national organizations and the local shop.
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