Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Identify Legal Requirements For Dealing With Complaints
Julia B 304 Undertaking C: Organizational prerequisites for managing objections Organization ought to have Concerns and Complaints Policy set up. The principle point of it is to guarantee that objections method is appropriately and successfully actualized and that administration clients feel certain that their protests and stresses are tuned in to and followed up on immediately and reasonably. When managing grievances organization are to guarantee that: administration clients and their delegates, carers and guests know about how to gripe and that organization gives simple to utilize chances to them to enlist grumblings a named individual is liable for administartion of the method each composed objection is recognized inside two working days examinations concerning composed protests are held inside 28 days all grumblings are reacted to in writting by organization omplaints are managed quickly, reasonably and delicately with due respect to the resentful and stress that they cause to both staff and administration clients Company accepts that protests are best managed on a neighborhood level between the complainant and the home, however on the off chance that both of the gatherings isn't fulfilled by a nearby procedure the case ought to be reffered to the Care Quality Commission. Legitimate prerequisites for managing grumblings Legal necessity for managing protests is to follo w Health and Social Care Act 2010 and National Minimum Standards †objection strategy. Related article: Assignment 205 Task These gauges require care home supervisors to have clear methodology that empower administration clients to make their perspectives, concerns and stresses known, and that promise them that fitting move will be made. Approaches and systems for managing doubt or proof of physical, monetary or material, mental or sexual maltreatment, disregard, self mischief or corrupting conduct ought to likewise be set up. Norms requiers that each care home: have clear and compelling grievances technique, which incorporates the phase of, and ime scales, for the procedure and that administration clients know how and to whom grumble staff tune in and follow up on the perspectives and worries of administration clients and others before they form into formal objections protest system is disclosed to support clients in suitable language and configuration all grumblings are reacted inside 28 days servise clients, in the event that they wish, can submit a question balanced with a staff part or free backing/m ediators of their decision administration clients and their families are guaranteed they won't be exploited for submitting a question a record of raised grumblings is kept and checked in any event three-month to month
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kazaa blunder essays
Kazaa screw up articles Kazaa is demonstrative of E-Commerce I since it was innovation driven. The entire framework was run from a product plan of a Swedish and Dutch planner. The base of Kazaa was present day innovation. Income development was not the colossal piece of Kazaa. It did anyway cause income from having huge companies to publicize on their site, yet they didn't create a lot of income from its clients. To start with Kazaa was ungoverned. When recording organizations started to jump up and hit the organization with copyright encroachments, it immediately turned out to be increasingly more administered, prompting its death. I don't accept that kazaa was absolutely an innovative endeavor, since Napster was established and advertised before Kazaa existed. One final attribute of E-Commerce I was that Kazaa had an unadulterated online procedure. It realized its objective market and got one of the most famous distributed destinations throughout the entire existence of the web. With respect to E-Commerce II, Kazaa was absolutely business driven. They didn't have the purchaser as a top priority for their benefit making, rather the corporate huge names like Microsoft and Net Flix (to give some examples). It held a specific accentuation on benefits, in spite of the fact that it was anything but an immense accentuation. As Kazaa developed and more discussion stimulate, it appeared to have more administration and more grounded guidelines. I feel this was on the grounds that when it was a hot issue about a year or so prior, it was secured on the news nearly n an everyday schedule. Ultimately I feel that kazaa had enormous adherent quality, straight up to the end. I can review the cases were the administration was fining a 13-year-old youngsters on their PCs for downloading unlawful music. Dangers were made to the purchaser, however they despite everything continued with Kazaa, particularly the school swarm. As expressed previously, Kazaa brought in their cash through contribution promoting on the site. As clarified before, Kazaa falls into the two classes of E-Commerce I The mechanical advances of shared innovation are many. The simplicity... <!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
When Is Methylphenidate Detectable By Drug Tests
When Is Methylphenidate Detectable By Drug Tests Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Print How Long Does Methylphenidate Stay in Your System? By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 13, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 03, 2019 JodiJacobson / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Methylphenidate is a nervous system stimulant commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.?? Marketing under several brand names, the drug is best known in the U.S. as Ritalin. When used as directed, methylphenidate can provide a person greater focus for a short period of time and even help control appetite in people who are dangerously obese.?? Because it is stronger than caffeine but not as strong as amphetamines, methylphenidate can be abused by those who take it recreationally (usually by snorting it or injecting it into a vein).?? On the street, the drug is commonly referred to as vitamin R, R-ball, pineapple, and skippy. Students have been known to use methylphenidate to stay up late to study for exams. It is a practice that can lead to addiction, a problem which often requires treatment at a drug rehabilitation center.?? Excretion of Methylphenidate From the Body The length of time that methylphenidate is detectable in the body is dependant on several variables, including which type of drug test is being used and which formulation of the drug is being taken. There are both immediate-release and extended-release forms of methylphenidate on the market, the latter of which remains in the body longer.?? Both are excreted primarily in urine. Methylphenidate has a relatively short half-life (one to four hours) and doesnt have the tendency to accumulate in cells the way that some other drugs do. However, elimination is highly variable, with some people excreting 97 percent of the drug over one to two days while others excrete as little as 78 percent over the same time frame.?? The causes of these variations may include a persons metabolism, body mass index (BMI), age, health status, and kidney function. As such, it is nearly impossible to determine the exact time by which methylphenidate will no longer register a negative result on a drug screen.?? Estimated Detection Windows The following provides an estimate of the detection window based on the various drug screening methods:Urine-based screen: one to three daysSaliva-based screen: one to three daysHair-based analysis: detectable in follicles for up to 90 daysBlood-based screen: not commonly used for drug screening Other Reasons for Drug Testing Blood-based screens are not commonly used in cases for recreational drug use because of the speed by which methylphenidate is excreted from the body. If abuse is suspected, a urine or saliva test can confirm current use (as well as estimate drug levels in the body) while a hair follicle sample can offer evidence of recent use. Blood-based tests are mainly used to determine if a person taking the drug for medical reasons is being prescribed the proper dosage.?? To this end, blood will be drawn one to two hours after a dose is taken. This allows time for the blood concentration levels to peak. Based on the findings, a doctor can decide if the dosage needs adjusting to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Can Ritalin Really Lead to Addiction?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Oedipus The King - 933 Words
Oedipus Cursing His Son, Polynices is a great work of art created by Henry Fuseli, in 1786. This painting was created in Fuseli’s homeland, Zurich, Switzerland. This painting has a powerful and dramatic purpose to it, and is very interesting to look at. The media of this painting is oil on canvas, and the paint is used loosely. The loose brushy style of the paint gives off the style of impressionism that brings the painting together. There is great historical and cultural context on this painting that refers to Greek mythology. Henry Fuseli s dramatic painting depicts an ancient Greek tragedy, King Oedipus discovered a horror that he murdered his father and married his mother. Oedipus blinded himself in contrition; Upset at his sons, Oedipus forced them to die in battle by each other s hand. He extends his arms to curse them, while Polynices draws back in shame and what is implied as pain from the curse. As for background information on the artist himself, Fuseli was encouraged by Reynolds in 1768 to become a painter. Fuseli traveled to Italy in 1770 to seek inspiration. Sculpture, Michelangelo, and mannerist art inspired him. Fuseli initiated his reputation when he returned to London in 1780. He dedicated most of his time and effort into paintings of Shakespearean themes, and became the leading mind of a group of inventive and experimental young artists. He was later elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1788, a full Academician in 1790, and Professor ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Oedipus The King 1127 Words  | 5 Pages For A Life Of Regrets Oedipus the King is a play written by Sophocles. Oedipus is the main figure and legend of Sophocles play. After Oedipus birth into the world, his father King Laius of Thebes heard from a prophet that his own child was destined to kill him. Sophocles play begins from past to present and starts to unravel the journeys Oedipus goes through. Oedipus isn t an evil character as one would think while reading the story. He neverRead MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus Oedipus The King 1152 Words  | 5 Pagesreading Oedipus the King. The number of times the words â€Å"see†or â€Å"blind†are in the play make it make it undeniably obvious that they are significant. The theme is developed throughout the dialogue, through characters such as Tiresias and Oedipus, and also directly in the irony of the play. It is important in a play about the truth because almost every character was â€Å"blind†to the truth. All of the characters, except one, can physically see, bu t mentally cannot see the truth. Oedipus seems toRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Oedipus The King1025 Words  | 5 PagesCritical Analysis: Oedipus the King Oedipus the King is a tragic play showing a shift from the belief of fate to freedom of choice. Therefore, Oedipus the king is a great example of those who run from fate ends up fulfilling their fate After reading this type of tragic play â€Å"Oedipus the King†written by Sophocles you can see that the author did a very outstanding form of presenting a tragedy that has the characteristics of mimesis and a tragic hero. Specifically, the writer written the playRead MoreOedipus the King Character Analysis1321 Words  | 6 PagesLancaster ENG230 11/25/2010 Oedipus the King Character Analysis Oedipus the King had accomplished many great things during his reign of Thebes and in his life time. Oedipus found out during his reign in Thebes that the Gods who loved him also knew his devastating fate. As a young man when Oedipus answered the riddle the Sphinx he soon found his self having everything want and need. He earned his spot as the new King of Thebes, he had a great wife and lovely set of childrenRead MoreAnalysis Essay: Oedipus the King1017 Words  | 4 Pages Casual Analysis Essay: Oedipus the King Sophocles play Oedipus the King has endured for over two thousand years. The plays lasting appeal may be attributed to the fact it encompasses all the classical elements of tragedy as put forth by Aristotle in Poetics nearly a century before it was written. According to Aristotle, tragedy needs to be an imitation of life according to the law of probability or necessity. Tragedy is serious, complete, and has magnitude. It must have a beginning, middleRead MoreOedipus The King Character Analysis1429 Words  | 6 Pages Mrs. Long-Goldberg Honors World Lit/Comp 26 September, 2017 Ignorance Can Lead to Great Agony Plays were of great importance in early Greek culture. Plays were the main source of entertainment, and one of the most prominent examples is Oedipus the King written by Sophocles. The drama is uplifted by the character development and excellent structure Sophocles has put forward. Interactions between characters and each character’s motivations generate brilliant themes throughout the play. SophoclesRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Oedipus The King1419 Words  | 6 PagesAdhikari Mrs. Long-Goldberg Honors World Lit/Comp 26 September, 2017 Ignorance Can Lead to Great Agony Plays were of great importance in early Greek culture. Plays were the main source of entertainment, and one of the most prominent examples is Oedipus the King written by Sophocles. The drama is uplifted by the character development and excellent structure Sophocles has put forward. Interactions between characters and each character’s motivations generate brilliant themes throughout the play. SophoclesRead MoreOedipus The King Analysis1357 Words  | 6 PagesThe Greek play, Oedipus the King, shows how easy it is for a man to fall apart, while trying to make things right. Sophocles’ tragedy tells the story of Oedipus, a regular man turned king of Thebes. Throughout the tragedy, Oedipus searches for the cause of the chaos and havoc encompassing his land; however, he discovers that he is the one responsible for the hardships plaguing Thebes. As the tragedy continues, Sophocles’ exposes a dark side to power, fame, and ambition. Further, Sophocles’ expose sRead MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus The King 1696 Words  | 7 PagesDaKan Wei Professor Annjeanette Wiese HUMN 1110 1 October 2014 Fatalism in Oedipus the King Tragedy has always been considered the highest form of literature; Oedipus the King is written by Sophocles who is one of the three ancient Greek tragedians, it fully represents the enduring charm of the ancient Greek tragedy, leaving the reader endless thinking. Through Oedipus’ misfortune, Sophocles tries to reveal the cause of their tragedy is ubiquitous and ever-present fate,Read MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus The King1145 Words  | 5 PagesOedipus goes against the Chorus as he strongly defends himself as the people intensify his incrimination of killing the old king. Oedipus could not believe in his wildest dreams that he murdered his own father and was the husband of his mother. As an adopted runaway boy and a newfound king, he had to dig deep in his past to ease his burden. The Chorus’ incrimination of the King has brought the town into a downward spiral due to finding the real truth of the blind prophet. The relevance of Oedipus’
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
What Is a Chelate in Chemistry
A chelate is an organic compound formed when a polydentate ligand bonds to a central metal atom. Chelation, according to the IUPAC, involves the formation of two or more separate coordinate bonds between the ligand and central atom. The ligands are terms of chelating agents, chelants, chelators, or sequestering agents. Uses of Chelates Chelation therapy is used to remove toxic metals, as in heavy metal poisoning. Chelation is used to formulate nutritional supplements. Chelating agents are using in fertilizers, to prepare homogeneous catalysts, and as contrast agents in MRI scans. Chelate Examples Most biochemical molecules can dissolve metal cations to form chelate complexes. Polynucleic acids, proteins, amino acids, polypeptides, and polysaccharides all act as polydentate ligands.The bidentate ligand ethylenediamine forms a chelate complex with the copper ion to form a five-membered CuC2N2 ring.Almost all metalloenzymes involve chelated metals, typically to cofactors, peptides, or prosthetic groups.Hot chemical weathering is typically due to organic chelants extracting metal ions from rocks and minerals.Many nutritional supplements are prepared by chelating metal ions to help protect the metal from forming complexes with insoluble salts in the stomach. These supplements thus provide a higher capacity for absorption.Homogeneous catalysts, such as ruthenium(II) chloride chelated with a bidentate phosphine, frequently are chelated complexes.EDTA and phosphonates are common chelating agents used to soften water.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Identify and Explain Communication Relationships Free Essays
Promote Communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings 1. 1 Identify the different reasons people communicate Communication is very important and can be non-verbal: making eye contact, body language and gestures, verbal: talking, singing, listening and responding, and written. People communicate usually to provide or receive information. We will write a custom essay sample on Identify and Explain Communication Relationships or any similar topic only for you Order Now The information provided can be passed on and used for teaching and learning. It is also used to share our ideas and thoughts, to interact with others, and to understand others. Communication allows us to make decisions, to inform others, to resolve conflicts and problems, and to meet social and physical needs. We need to communicate in a nursery especially, as it is part of child development. Communication allows for connection with a young child, and enabling positive relationships to build by sharing and relating information. We also use communication whilst experiencing different things, such as new food, which allows everyone to express their ideas and extend their vocabulary. . 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting Communication in the workplace is a system for sending and receiving messages. Communication is a process that enables us to have good relationships with parents, colleagues, and children. Good relationships can create a welcoming and secure atmosphere for the children. This then helps the child to settle in and feel relaxed. Children are ‘social learners’, and learn by copying other people. Adults working with them should model good communication, both speaking and listening, so children will learn from them. Children need to know that they are being listened to and heard. This helps them to build up trust with adults, and promotes better relationships. The more you learn how to listen to the child, the better you will be able to assess their abilities and interests, and planning for their next steps in learning and development. You will also get to know them well and then you can support their emotional needs by being in tune with them. The better and sooner children learn to communicate, the more easily they will form friendships and their confidence and self-esteem will increase. Very young children often aren’t able to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so it is important that adults working with them can listen carefully, and help children to learn how to express themselves. Good relationships also benefit the quality of interaction between the setting and the parent. Parents are more likely to share information, make comments and take an interest in what their child has been doing. This also benefits the child as additional information will be passed on to help the practitioner meet the child’s needs. There also needs to be good communication between staff members in the setting so they can enjoy their work. A good relationship in a team means that during times of stress and difficulties, practitioners can support each other. If there is lack of communication between staff members, vital information may not be passed on, and the child’s safety could be affected. This could be what a child’s allergies are, or who will be picking the child up. Confidentiality Confidential information is information of some sensitivity, which has been shared in a relationship where the person giving the information understood it would not be shared with others. This also means the discretion in keeping secret or private information. All childcare settings must intend to fully respect the privacy of children and families. It is good to try and ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their child. Settings can respect confidentiality in the following ways: Allowing parents to have access to files and records of their own children, but do not have access to information about any other child. * Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it effects planning for the child’s needs. All staff is aware of the importance of confidentiality in the role of the key person. * Any concerns relating to a childâ€⠄¢s personal safety are kept in a secure, confidential file and are shared with as few people as possible on a â€Å"need to know†basis. Personal information about children, families and staff is kept securely in a lockable file. * Issues to do with employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remain confidential to the people directly involved with making decisions. * Students attending the nursery on placement are made aware of the confidentiality policy and are required to respect it. Multi-Agency Approach to Communication Unifying Communications for a Safer Response The Programme is funded jointly by the Department of Communities and Local Government, National Policing Improvement Agency, Cabinet Office and the Department of Health. The Public rightfully expect a quick and effective response from the emergency services and responder community. Experience of major incidents and large scale events have highlighted the requirement for responders to communicate more effectively. Common communications tools are available, including Airwave radio and data tools such as the National Resilience Extranet. Airwave is the common radio platform in use by the Police Service, Ambulance Trusts, Fire and Rescue Service and those responding within the Civil Contingencies Act, 2004. The exchange of critical voice and data information between emergency responders is essential to: * Maximise the opportunity for an effective provision of services to the Public * Minimise risks to the public and emergency services personnel * Alert personnel to an immediate hazard * Support decision-making by Commanders * Assist in the creation and maintenance of a Common Operating Picture (COP) * Deliver a common operational approach across borders at emergencies, incidents and events http://www. pia. police. uk Communicating with children It is important to communicate clearly with young children as it helps them to understand what is expected of them, and they also learn to become good communicators themselves. Good communication:- * Check that you have their attention * Make good eye contact * Use positive facial expressions and body language * Use a friendly tone of voice * Call children by their preferred name * Keep sentences to the point * Listen to what the child says them respond Do not be sarcastic * Think about children’s language level and needs * Remember that they may not know phrases and words such as ‘a couple’ To build a good relationship with children, it is important that you encourage them to interact with you. This should be in a relaxed and natural way. Sometimes rather than telling a child what to do, you may ask them what they think and allow them to make suggestions. Listening plays a vital role here and teaches the children how to listen. Adapting communication to meet the individual needs of children Every child is different, so it is important to think about the communication needs of each individual child, and then adapt your approaches accordingly. For example, a child who stammers will need more opportunities to talk calmly in unhurried situations, away from other children who may interrupt. Another example is a child who has English as a second language. In this case, you may need to simplify sentences or use visual cues. They may need a little more time to respond. If there are particular difficulties with a child, firstly you need to talk to parents as they know what works best for their child. If these strategies don’t work, you may need to contact a speech and language team to try and extend these strategies. For example, a visual approach alongside spoken word, to help children understand the meaning, or a pictorial system which allows the children to show what they want by photographs. A child with a hearing loss may benefit from communicating in areas that are well lit, and away from distracting background noises. Recognising communication differences and difficulties It is important to learn about what a particular child is use to. If you have parents of different cultures or nationalities in the setting, take note of how they interact and communicate with children. For example, a parent may kiss and hug their child more, so their child will be used to a much more active style of communication. The use of eye contact and body language also vary across languages and cultures. The gesture for ‘no’ may be different so it is good to learn by watching and taking an interest in the way parents interacts with their children. There are many reasons why a child may have delayed speech or communication difficulties. If early intervention can take place, it could make a significant difference. Environmental causes include: Parents/carers or practitioners being ‘too busy’ to talk to the children Lack of understanding by parents/carers or practitioners of the importance of talking and listening to children Meal times not being shared with adults Noisy home environment – radio always on Child being left alone for long periods of time Children with communication difficulties do not necessarily have any learning impairment. It is important to not assume that a child’s ability to understand, listen and learn is diminished because of difficulties in communication. It is also essential to ensure that the child is not being bullied or teased by the other children. If so, it must be prevented straight away as there are many effects such as a decrease in confidence and self esteem. Type of difficulty| Examples/Characteristics| Speech and Language Delay| A child with these difficulties follow the normal pattern for speech and language, but at a slower rate or later than usual. Emotional Problems| Being withdrawn and fearful of adults. A child with emotional problems is usually a result of abuse or neglect. | Expressive Difficulties| The child finds it hard to convey thoughts in words. For example, a child may say ‘chair’ meaning ‘table’ but does fully understand the difference between the two. | Stuttering| Most children go through a phase of not being able to pronounce words i n the accepted way, repeating words and not being fluent. If a stutter does develop, it will be between the age of two and five years. Children who have a stutter have difficulty in coordinating the airflow in their mouths and the muscles around their mouths. Stressful situations, such as talking in front of a group, can make it worse. It is very important to allow the child to speak and not finish their sentences. You can help with props and provide lots of reassurance. Referral to a specialist may be required. | Specialists include: * Translation services * Interpreting services * Speech and language services * Advocacy services How to cite Identify and Explain Communication Relationships, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Physics for Health Sciences
Questions: (1). For each of the two statements below, consider each of the terms listed for it and determine whether or not it can be correctly inserted into the blank. There may be more than one term that can be inserted. Explain your reasoning for your decision for each term. a. As a sound wave moves through a uniform medium, the wave will experience a gradual reduction in its __________. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ Powerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨2. Speedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨3. Frequency à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ b. As sound moves through matter, at each compression zone there is a localized region of increased _________. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ c. Particle density 2. Pressureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨3. Velocity (2). Patients in clinical facilities are often required to be in a partial state of undress for their procedures, and as a result may experience a drop in body temperature, particularly when the examining room temperature is low. Give two reasons for the greater rate of heat loss from the patients body when he is partially clothed in an examining gown rather than when he is fully clothed. Explain each reason. (3). You notice that the electric warming blanket that has been purchased by your clinical facility for patients has only 2 prongs to its electrical plug. a. Explain how this blanket has been designed to minimize the risk of electric shock to the user. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ b. Explain why the risk of electric shock from using the blanket can be minimized by this design but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ (4). A typical electric blanket consumes 50 W of power when operating. What is the overall resistance of the blanket if it is designed to be plugged into a standard powerpoint? Answers: (1). As the sound wave travels through a uniform medium, it will undergo a gradual reduction in its power. However, as the same sound waves traverse through a given medium that is uniform, its velocity remains constant because velocity depends on the characteristics of the medium. For a uniform medium, there is no change in the physical characteristics, therefore, no change in the velocity of the sound. As the sound wave is propagated through a uniform medium, it does not experience any changes in its frequency and velocity (Hindmarsh et al., 2014). As the sound waves travel across any matter, it experiences a localized region that is marked by an increase in pressure at every compression zone. The compressionof sound waves occurs when the molecules are pressed together or forced within the medium of transmission. However, when the motion of the sound wave is immense, each compression creates an excess pressure of higher amplitude compared to the decrease in pressure generated by each rarefaction. (2). Generally, the expression for computing the amount of heat loss by any given body is given as The expression is derived from the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (Zohuri and McDaniel, 2015, p. 99). There are two possible processes through which the patient in the examination can lose his body temperature when he is partially clothed compared to when he is not clothed. Heat Loss Through Radiation The normal body temperature of the patient is 37 ÃÅ'Ã… C as a warm-blooded being. The human body temperature is higher than that of the ambient when the body is lagged by the clothing. As a result, the existing temperature gradient leads to the loss of heat from the patient to the ambient through radiation. Additionally, the head is the major point through which heat is lost to the ambient. The formula for determining the amount of heat lost by the patient what is partially dressed can be expressed as Heat Loss Through Convection When the patient is partially clothed, some parts of the body are exposed to the ambient are responsible for the rapid heat loss. The moving drought carries away the moisture droplets on the surface of the patient whose body is partially covered by clothes. The expression for computing the amount of heat dissipated by the body through convection is given as (3). The electric warming blanket is designed to reduce the risk of electric shock. The electric connector is situated at the lower end of the blanket to prevent any risks of electric shock (Bridges, Schmelz and Evers, 2007, p. 17). In addition, the blankets are designed to emit a low quantity of heat to minimize the risks of fire and other related issues. They also have many integrated safety features that help in preventing the occurrence of shock. One of such features is that they are programmed to pre-warm the bedding within certain time intervals before later switching it off. Moreover, advanced temperature controls have been installed to assist in sensing the changes in the body temperature and that of the air. The blanket further can adjust its settings appropriately and has an alert system in case of malfunction. There are, however, cases where the design features of the electric blanket cannot prevent some risks. One of the challenges is the possibility of short-circuiting the terminals of the blanket. Secondly, an electric shock may result due to damaged plugs, poor storage, and uninsulated cords. Such incidences of electric risk may occur due to the carelessness of the person using the gadget and therefore, cannot be minimized by its design features. (4). Voltage for a standard power point, V = 240 Volts For this problem, the appropriate questions are Power = Current multiplied by Voltage (Masters, 2013, p. 3-4) or the square of the current multiplied by the Resistance of the material s I = 50/240 A Therefore, Resistance, R = 50/(50/240)2 = 1152 Glossary Frequency is the number ofwavesthat passes through a point in a unit time usually one second. It is measured in hertz (Hz) whereby 1 Hz is equal to onewavein a unit second. Velocity is the product of the wavelength of a given wave and its corresponding frequency measured in m/s. Amplitude is the distance between the rest positions of a wave to its crest position. This distance equals half the vertical distance between the trough of a wave and its crest. Compression is an area within a longitudinal (sound) wave in which the particles are closer to one another. Rarefaction is a phenomenon in the transmission of the sound waves that leads to the reduction in the density of an object. A rarefaction, unlike compression, is an area of a longitudinal wave in which the particles are far apart. Convection isthe method by which heat is transferredby the mass movement of the fluid when the heated fluid is made to move away from the heat source, thereby carrying away energy with it. Radiation is the process by which the heat is transferred from a hot body to a cold body through a temperature gradient. Lagging: is the insulation of a body to prevent it from losing heat to the environment/surrounding Temperature gradient: is the difference in temperature between hot body and a cold body Ambient: is the surrounding or environment where a hot or cold object is placed Drought: is the mass of moving air through convection currents Q is the quantity of the transferred heat in a given time, t is the bodys thermal conductivity A is the area of the body Thot is the temperature of the hot body Tcold is the temperature of the cols body d is the thickness of the body Ta is the ambient temperature Tskin is the human body temperature à  µ is the skin emissivity Au is the body region that is not covered by the clothing is a constant of the Stefan-Boltzmann Kconv is the convection constant that depends on the velocity of the wind in m/s The 1st Law of Thermodynamics: states that the overall amount of energy of a system that is isolated is constant since energy can be converted from one form to another although it can never be destroyed or created. I is the electric current measured in Amps (A) R is the resistance of the conductor, measured in Reference List Bridges, E., Schmelz, J. and Evers, K. (2007). Efficacy of the Blizzard Blanket or Blizzard Blanket plus Thermal Angel in Preventing Hypothermia in a Hemorrhagic Shock Victim (Sus scrofa) under Operational Conditions.Military Medicine, 172(1), pp.17-23. Hindmarsh, M., Huber, S., Rummukainen, K. and Weir, D. (2014). Gravitational Waves from the Sound of a First Order Phase Transition.Phys. Rev. Lett., 112(4). Masters, G. (2013).Renewable and efficient electric power systems. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Zohuri, B. and McDaniel, P. (2015). First Law of Thermodynamics.Thermodynamics In Nuclear Power Plant Systems, pp.99-149.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Who Contributed More to the Progress of Medicine Versalius, Pare, or Harvey Essay Example
Who Contributed More to the Progress of Medicine Versalius, Pare, or Harvey Paper For many years this has been a heated debate between both physicians, historians, and scientists. Many argue that Vesaliuss book methods began a new era of progression in medicine, increasing knowledge of the human anatomy through careful obviation and experimentation, promoting a new out look to the research of medicine. Without this influence, the likes of Pare and Harvey would not have been so successful. However, Others claim that Pares new methods and ideas revolutionised surgery. He is considered by many the father of modern surgery. Yes, without the knowledge improved by Vesalius he would not have been able introduce his new ideas, however Pare brought new methods and theories which are escential to todays medical history. With out him it is unlikely that Harvey would have made his find. In addition, it is said that Harvey introduced a turning point in medical history. Although he was influenced by Vesailius and Pare, were as they contributed to only sections of medical progression, Harvey revolutionised the entire procedure. After him, it was finally understood that knowledge of how the body works depends on knowledge of the bodys structure. However still the question remains unanswered: who is the true candidate Andreas Vesailuis (1514-1564) was successful as both a professor and a physician. He made significant improvements to the knowledge of human anatomy and the structure of the skeleton. Vesalius studied Medicine in Paris and was fascinated by the human anatomy. Unlike most physicians of his time, he relied on observation and experiments to increase his knowledge rather than simply believing the information presented to him in the medical writings. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Contributed More to the Progress of Medicine Versalius, Pare, or Harvey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Who Contributed More to the Progress of Medicine Versalius, Pare, or Harvey specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Who Contributed More to the Progress of Medicine Versalius, Pare, or Harvey specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He would use skeletons from the Gallows (their bones wired together), animal, and human corpses, and make detailed diagrams and drawings of their form. The drawings were clear and accurate showing that skeleton was a frame controlled by muscles and containing organs. This enabled him to improve upon the ideas and theories concerning anatomy written by Galen and Islamic doctors. For example: through dissection, he found that humans do not have the same amount of bones along their spines as monkeys, proving that Galens theory was incorrect. With the diagrams he could convey his new theories concerning anatomy to others and spread his knowledge in such a way that was easy to understand and proof of his additional discoveries. During 1543, he wrote a book on the human anatomy called The fabric of the Human Body Which rivalled many ideas of Galen and other such physicians. Because Vesalius challenged the ideas of Galen he was often ridiculed and disliked by his colleagues at the Padau University Italy, where he became Professor of anatomy at the age of just 23. It was not just his fresh anatomical speculations that contributed to the progression of medicine, but in addition his philosophy towards the study and investigation of the human body. Oppose to most professors of his time, who during public disections would read from a book while assistants would carry out the actual anatomization as it was considered manual work, Vesalius carried out dissections himself as he believed it gave both him and his students a greater understanding. He also told his students to study the human body for themselves rather than believing what they read in the ancient medical books written by Greek, Roman and Islamic writers. After leaving Padua Vesalius became a court physician to Emperor Charles V. His book methods began a new era of progress in medicine. In addition, by increasing the understanding of anatomy he improved the understanding of how the body works, therefore this way future physicians such as Pare and Harvey had a greater understanding of the cause of disease and how it could be cured. Aborise Pare (1510-1590) is considered by many the Father of modern surgery. During the twenty years he spent as a barber surgeon to the French army, he improved surgical techniques and ideas. Pare developed the technique of applying mild ointment to wounds rather than cauterisation as he detected simply by accident that when the wound healed naturally with the aid of ointment the process was quicker with considerably less pain. With wounded soldiers to treat he certainly had the material to develop this technique. Working with injured soldiers their wounds were often deep, initially Pare used the accepted method of treatment: cauterisation. Boiling oil was poured on to the wound and it was then sealed with a hot iron. This was both painful and dangerous. However, by chance Pare ran out of oil, till more supplies were delivered he concocted a dressing of egg yolks, rose oil and turpentine (a herbal antiseptic) and applied it to the wounds of damaged men. Pare discovered that the dressing had successfully sealed the wounds of soldiers he had treated and they had suffered considerably less pain than usual. The following day he noticed that the men who had been cauterised were feverish, however those treated with the ointment were not and their wounds were healing well. This accidental experiment led to great things for Pare. He opposed the method of cauterisation and recommended that wounds should be treated with his ointment, and bleeding arteries should be tied up with silken thread. However although this method provided pain relief there was an increased risk of infection as germs from the surgeons hands were transferred to the wound. Pare designed sophisticated surgical tools and artificial limbs, which improved that quality of surgery he and others could achieve. During 1575 he wrote The Collected Works of Surgery which contained detailed diagrams of surgical procedure, tools, and artificial limbs. The Paris Collage of Physicians attempted to prevent the publishing of his book, and never accepted him as a physician and surgeon because he was a barber Surgeon. After the Army Pare became personal physician to the King of France. With Royal support, this enabled him to overcome the medical communitys opposition to his ideas. Pare Changed ideas of surgery and improved both surgical procedure and philosophy. William Harvey (1578-1657) introduced a turning point in medical history. Similar to Pare and Versalius, Harvey relied on observation and experiment to increase his understanding of the human body. He performed many experiments on both animals and human bodies and was particularly interested in the motion of blood. He conducted many experiments to learn how the blood moves through the body. After making careful studies of the human pulse beat and heart beat, Harvey concluded that the heart pumps blood through the arteries to all parts of the body and then it returns to the heart through the veins. Harvey discovered that the heart pumps blood round the body and it continues to loop in a circuit. The circulation of blood. To prove, spread and explain his new theory, like Versalius he used a diagram: an anatomical Account of the Motion of the heart and blood in mammals (1628). It explained an experiment he had carried out to prove that the blood travels only one way through veins. Harvey said that if the upper arm is bandaged the valves show up as nodules on the vein. If a finger is pushed along the vein one valve to the two away from the heart, the section of vein will be emptied. Therefore this was valid proof of his new finding and confirmed that the blood travels in a circuit around the body as circuits only move one way therefore proving that Galens theory was incorrect. This discovery made a turning point in medical history and contributed immensely to the progress of medicine. Before Harvey scientists and doctors had only studied parts of the process and invented theories to fill in the gaps, however he tackled the whole problem. After Harvey, scientists realised knowledge of how the body works depends on knowledge of the bodys structure. This was a huge progression, now scientists could understand how circulation was important and had a greater understanding of how the body functions. Although all three men contributed immensely to the progression of medicine, in my opinion it is Harvey who holds the greatest influence. Unlike Versalius and Pare who contributed to only sections of medicine i. e. , Anatomy and Surgery Harveys discovery of the circulation of blood revolutionised the entire procedure. It influenced Anatomy, as now it is understood how the heart works and blood circulates which led to the knowledge of other bodily functions. It contributed to surgery as now with knowledge of circulation and heart surgeons can perform intricate cardiac operations; also, it allows them to understand when and why an operation is going wrong. It progressed the work of physicians as now they can determine a patients health by their heartbeat and pulse rate. They now understand that when the heart stops pumping blood around the body the person will die. It influenced philosophy as this discovery finally made other physicians and scientists realise that knowledge of the bodys functions depends on knowledge of the bodys structure, this idea allowed the development of new ideas and discoveries which today we would be lost with out. The work of Vesalius was important however he did not really make a major significant improvement to medicine at that time. Although he did make changes in anatomy and introduced new ideas and methods of research, it is not possible to claim that he, like Harvey brought a turning point. Pare created brilliant surgical tools and limbs which contributed greatly, nevertheless his theory of applying ointment to wounds was not in fact his. The egg and rose oil would not have been benificial in the process of healing, it was in fact the turpentine which was the aid. Turpentine had been used as an antiseptic by prehistoric people over a thousand years before him, who applies it to wounds to promote healing, prevents infection and ease pain. Wise women in the countryside who were knowledgeable of the importance of plants and herbs in medicine were still doing indeed this. Prehaps if women had not been shunned from the medical society this so-called Discovery would have been made a lot earlier. You may argue that without the work of Vesalius, Harveys finding would not have been possible, and I agree that in a way this is true. It is a similar to the argument of Galen and Hippocrates, without either of the three mens discoveries the system would not work. I understand that Harvey built upon the ideas of Vesalius and his knowledge of anatomy was vital to Harveys research, and without the positive attitude of Vesalius inspiring him to research the human body himself he may well not have strived to make his discovery. In addition, if Pare had not come before Harvey and provided him with the surgical equipment and tools necessary to conduct delicate research, it would not have been possible for Harvey to investigate the problem. However, I am sticking to my original statement. Harvey introduced a turning point in medical history without the knowledge of how the heart functions and blood circulates where would we be today? What would happen if there were no heart monitors? There would be no accurate method of checking a persons health during a dangerous or indeed any operation. Harvey not only made an amazing discovery, but he also inspired those after him to do the same. Harvey did need the work of Versalius and Pare to make his breakthrough and without either it would not have been possible, however overall I believe that it was Harvey who made the greatest contribution.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The eNotes Blog The Western Flyer Steinbecks Boat Flying ThroughTime
The Western Flyer Steinbecks Boat Flying ThroughTime The compass simply represents the ideal, present but unachievable, and sight-steering a compromise with perfection which allows your boat to exist at all. - The Log from the Sea of Cortez In Port Townsend- a charming, coastal town nestled in the northeastern end of the Olympic Peninsula- a piece of literary and biological history is being remastered and preserved. The Western Flyer, a 77-foot fishing boat built in 1937, sits docked at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op as it undergoes restoration. In 1940, author John Steinbeck set sail on The Western Flyer for a six-week trip on the Sea of Cortez with, friend and famous marine biologist, Ed Ricketts. Steinbeck had just finished writing The Grapes of Wrath and (presumably needing to blow off some dusty melancholy) departed with Ricketts, a small number of crewmen, and his wife, Carol, for a leisurely voyage. This trip resulted in Steinbecks acclaimed book The Log from the Sea of Cortez, a combination of their shared expeditions journals and Ricketts species catalog. Because of this voyage, The Western Flyer is referred to as the most famous fishing vessel ever to have sailed. The Log is also regarded as one of Steinbecks most important non-fiction works due to Ricketts influence. Ricketts helped shape Steinbecks thinking, providing a prototype for many of Steinbecks pivotal literary characters and, thus, some of the most important characters in American literature. The Flyer is now embarking on a three-year restoration project overseen by the Port Townsend Co-op. Its commissioned by John Gregg, a scientist from Southern California, whose life was changed when he picked up Sea of Cortez: A Leisurely Journal of Travel and Research (the predecessor of The Log) in a bookmobile at age ten. Gregg hopes to restore The Flyer to its original glory- complete with modern updates and a high-tech learning environment for students. With our Seattle HQ located just 2.5 hours from Port Townsend, I was lucky enough to set up a tour of the boat (on the eve of Steinbecks birthday, no less!) to learn more about the project. I met with Chris Chase, overseer of the restoration, and, after our chat, it became apparent that the boat represents not just a famous fishing or sailing voyage, but a voyage through time itself. The boat has become a victim of our changing world, Chris said as he explained the ongoing struggle of obtaining proper materials for restoration. Finding lumber has been the hardest aspect of the project: because of the U.S.s astronomical prices and scarce supply, theyre forced to import wood from France for the appropriate fit (and right price). Back in 1937, when The Flyer was first built, all of the boats components were acquired locally thanks to the Pacific Northwests abundance of the necessary raw materials. Chris and his team of experts are still able to economically source what they need, but he admits, everything that made this boat its hard to replicate now. Its now an art, not a skill. Its been lost. Resources and specialty craftsmanship arent the only things The Flyer has seen come and go. Since its birth 80 years ago, the boat has witnessed firsthand the depletion of marine life and clean-water sources. And though the world that The Flyer lives in now may seem a bit bleaker than that of its youth, it remains steadfastly resilient. The Flyer has a spirit that lives on, Chris said, smiling. He then told me about how itd sunk four(!) times- three of them reaching the bottom of the sea. Shes just kind of shrugged it off, he said. As they work to restore The Flyer, theyre careful to do her justice and pay homage to her tangible spirit. This spirit was indeed captured by Steinbeck; he had a kinship with boats and wrote of The Flyer as an actual character in his writings. His affinity for boats extended into his other works, shown in this excerpt from The Pearl: â€Å"This was an evil beyond thinking. The killing of a man was not so evil as the killing of a boat. For a boat does not have sons, and a boat cannot protect itself, and a wounded boat does not heal.†As with a character in a novel, we observe The Flyers character arc- an arc of resiliency, survival, and renewal. While the initial restorations goal will be to re-tread the path of the Sea of Cortez, The Flyers ultimate destination will then be a sort of floating classroom: a place for marine biology and ecology students with, what are planned to be, impressive learning tools. Students and scientists alike will be able to get up close and personal with the marine life of the Pacific Northwest aboard this historic vessel. Perhaps the very answers we seek to the environmental obstacles we face will be solved right in The Western Flyers belly. In the meantime, well await the next few years as Chris and his team works vigorously on this exciting adventure. Its a pretty amazing project, Chris told me at the end of my tour. I agree, and I think Ricketts and Steinbeck would, too. Follow The Western Flyers progress at the Western Flyer Foundations website.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Education Platform and Learning Theory Assignment
Education Platform and Learning Theory - Assignment Example Often memory is fallible and hugely unreliable upon first encounter with information and the importance of continuous and repeated study and practice to enhance memory of content can never be over emphasized. This makes exercise a principle of learning, core in daily undertakings with students. In his book, Thorndike mentions the principle of exercise and states that, that which is often repeated and revised is remembered best and I strongly agree. Primacy also, as a law of learning insists that the state of being first creates a strong impression in that the first experience a learner has with a particular subject matter often sticks and has therefore to be positive and form basis of what is to follow. For example, unlearning and retracting a wrong first impression can be difficult and confusing to the students and may even put the teacher’s mastery of subject to question; a situation that must be avoided (Thorndike and Gates, 1929). ... Greater freedom on the other hand means greater advancement and often stimulates personal responsibility. An Ideal Educator As stated in Guthrie’s Encyclopedia of Education, an ideal educator, above all else, must have adequate, if not thorough, knowledge and command of content, subject and curriculum of study. This also involves diverse knowledge on related subjects and any questions that may arise from the students, relevant or not, should be handled with relative ease and competence. An ideal educator must be one who loves to read and remain ever abreast with the subject; constantly updating themselves (Guthrie, 2003). He/ she ought also to be patient as students have different abilities and the slow ones may have as much or even more desire to learn as the skilled. An ideal educator should have integrity and be a good role model for the students. This ranges from good, decent, and neat dressing to strong rapport with students and fellow educators, good tone, friendly and a n appropriate sense of humor. They should be fair and not appearing to favor anyone, engaging, interactive, listening and able to drive the students toward more creative and critical thinking. Good oral and writing skill together with self confidence as such from facial expressions and a positive attitude are critical too and are a major plus (Guthrie, 2003). Ideal Education Work Environment A suitable educational environment would be one that makes me, fellow employees as well as students feel good about coming to work and study and at ease and peace with the students, teachers and auxiliary staff across the board. This promotes a sense of community
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Is Excessive Food Waste an Environmental Concern Essay
Is Excessive Food Waste an Environmental Concern - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that according to a report by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (APA), remarkably few citizens know that excessive food waste is an environmental hazard. Excessive food refers to wasteful practices by consumers and during production. Most people argue that since food is biodegradable, it does not pose a threat to the environment. However, a report published by EPA revealed that when food rots, it produces a greenhouse gas known as methane. Amazingly, methane is twenty times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) argues that if only five percent of Americans’ food scraps were recovered, it would be enough to feed four million people for a day. USDA reported that close to 26 million tons of wasted food get thrown away in garbage annually. In fact, in 2010, food approximated to 34 million tons went to waste. In addition, food waste formed the single largest component of municipal solid waste reaching incinerators and landfills. EPA notes that the U.S government spends close to one billion dollars just to dispose of all its wasted food. This is exceedingly astonishing. The excess money spent on the management of wasted food can be used to run vital government departments. Experts from the University of Arizona believe that the country’s environmental impact can be reduced by 25 percent if Americans can reduce their food wastage by a half. This appears to be true because the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) indicated on 10th January 2012 that one-third of the food produced for human consumption globally, goes to waste every year. FAO reported that consumers and retailers in the U.S waste close to 40 percent of edible food annually. The data from FAO is also astonishing and calls for immediate actions. From the data reported earlier, it is clear that excessive food waste is becoming a serious environmental hazard. Consider ing the report produced by FAO, the U.S is just a representative of many nations whose citizens waste tons of food annually. The most alarming bit is that methane, the gas produced from food rot, traps heat in the atmosphere 23 times more than the widely known carbon dioxide. Since global warming affects the whole earth, stakeholders should consider passing international regulations that regulate the quantity of wasted food a country produces, in order to curb methane overproduction.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay
Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay I had seen many patients complains of complex wounds that need long time to cure. Complex wounds are considered as a real challenge to the health care providers especially when it is accompanied with factors that can play role in impaired and complicate wound healing such as Surgery, infection, the presence of diabetes, Trauma, Radiation, Autoimmune diseases and arteriosclerosis. As stated by Ferreira. M, 2006: The most commonly seen complex wounds that require special care and attention are Wounds in the lower extremity of diabetic patients, Pressure ulcers, Chronic venous ulcers, Wounds following extensive necrotic processes caused by infections and Chronic wounds related to vasculitis and immunosuppressive therapy that have not healed using simple care. There is no specialized and responsible team who can determine the best type of management for the patients with complex wounds. The health care provider in the hospital is providing the same care and management to the patients who complaining of simple or complex wounds. They need to know that There are striking differences between simple wounds, for example surgical wounds or skin scratches, and those chronic wounds that do not heal primarily and demand specialized care, mostly in hospitals (Ferreira. M, 2006) .This will harm the patient (physically and emotionally), decrease the quality of care that provides to the patients, delay wound healing and increase the period of hospitalization. The care provided for patients with wounds can be described in one single word which its DRESSING. While the treatment of the complex wound is much complicated. Determining that the majority of these complex wounds should be considered surgical cases and not just cases for dressings as stated by Ferreira. M. 2006. The treatment of complex wounds should be by using surgical procedures instead of the clinical measures. In addition to debridements, skin grafting, and flap coverage. Health care providers (doctors, nurses, etc) need to increase their awareness about the important of the presence of wound management team in each hospital to decide the best type of management, decrease the complexity of the treatment and choose the best surgical approaches that will increase the quality of life to the patient. Step 2 A complicated wound needs more than just a bandage to recover and heal. It needs special attention; compassion of a wound care team who are specializes in non-healing and slow to heal wounds. As stated by Tjandra. J, 2001Wound healing is the replacement of destroyed tissue by living tissue, and is fundamental to survival. My vision is to form a team of professionals who work together to assess patients wound and provide input regarding their treatment. This team consists of physicians, physical therapists, dietitians and nurses wound therapy nurses and nurses specialized in complex wounds. These specialized wound nurses may visit patients in their home in order to provide an effective plan to heal their wounds. They have to work on providing appropriate wound care to the patients that will help the complex wound to heal faster. As well as they should know that Wound healing may be impaired by general factors such as malnutrition, corticosteroids, diabetes mellitus and anaemia, which affect the patient as a whole. And local factors such as infection, ischaemia and hematoma which affect the site of the wound (Tjandra. J, 2001). In addition to cleansing, control bacterial growth and prevent infection. This team will also provides education to patients and their families to help prevent any future complications, increase there awareness regard complex wounds and their demands to heal, encourage them to collaborate with the team and participate in the treatment. This change will enhance the quality of care patients received; improve the quality of life, decrease the period of hospitalization and promote the process of healing. It is important that all practitioners are aware of the pathophysiology and aetiology of pressure ulcers and mechanisms to prevent pressure ulcer development (Ousey, K, 2005) because Patients with complex wounds need to spend long period in the hospital so they will be at high risk of develop bed sore. Team members should coordinate program to prevent pressure ulcer that will protect the patient from getting this series skin problem. This change will build up a very strong team who are able to put the patient on the right way of cure and make them able to treat the complex wounds in time less than the expected. It is a real chance for all the health care provider specially nurses toward increasing their knowledge and improving there skills. Wound care team consider as a good step towards improving the health care services in the hospital. Step 3 4 Leadership is a very important concept in nursing professional that helps to develop the skills of nurses and the other health care professionals. I will be able to achieve my vision by using one of the most important models in leaderships and management. It is John Adairs Leadership model. Adair has developed what he calls a functional approach to leadership based on three overlapping circles of needs which are achieving the task, managing the team or group and managing individuals (Cipd 2010). By adopting this model of leadership, my responsibilities as a leader to achieve the task are as follows: sharing my vision, goals, and objectives with the team members. Then, create an action plan to achieve the task, considering timescales and strategies. It is important to share my action plan with the members and ask them for feedback or suggestions. After that I will distribute responsibilities by agreement and delegation, monitor and maintain overall performance against plan and report the progress toward the team aim continuously. Finally review, reassess, adjust plan, methods as necessary. In addition to that I will encourage and motivate the members to be involved in making decisions and giving suggestions, to make the task a success and meet our goals. The leader should try to resolve any groups conflicts and look for ways to develop a cooperative team working. However, to develop each nurse and improve her skills, we will recognize the team member as individuals, and get to know their strengths and needs, we have to help them and encourage them to challenge the complex cases of wounds. It is very important to give awards and recognitions to the individuals hard efforts and work. Therefore, to achieve my vision and reveal the benefits of this change I will apply Lewins three- stage model of change. It is a holistic model that helps people to think about the change and gradually adopt it as pointed out by martin (2003). Lewin proposed 3 stages for any changes to occur, including: the unfreezing stage is when people start to believe that there is a need for change, the moving stage, when it is possible to make changes, and the refreezing stage is when the change is strengthened and becomes the new normal state (martin 2003). In the unfreezing stage team members must realize that they will be able to treat any type of complex wounds and promote wound healing if they work on improve their knowledge and skills. They will see the importance of act as one collaborative group to enhance the quality of care and promote wound healing. As stated by Reinelt (2010) Evidence-based practice (EBP) is commonly used to inform practice decisions in the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, child welfare, and criminal justice. So it is important to provide the team with some evidence based research that will guide decision-making about what treatments and protocols to use with individual patients, and offenders to ensure the highest possible accountability for producing good results. Reinelt (2010). In addition to that, I will invite nurses and doctors from other countries that are already implemented this idea in their hospitals and ask them to give presentation to our health care providers about their experience and discuses how this change can improve the quality of care and increase the benefits to the patients. Throughout this stage, I will be expecting initial resistance to the change by some people but I will listen carefully to their opinions and issues, I will try to convince them of the important and the benefits of implementing this change. I will also encourage them to give suggestions that would help in achieving my vision. In the moving stage, we will see the possibility of forming complex wound team in the hospital and improve members skills and knowledge. In this stage I will arrange for different teaching sessions and workshops that will help in increase members knowing, improve their therapeutic and communication skills, and enhance their confidence. One of the most important nursing leadership qualities is supporting your team, If the members of the team wish to develop new skills, or apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical environment, it is important that the leader provide a supportive environment for them to try out these skills. This will provide them with the true method of learning, and develop their skills in a competent manner (Lalwani, P. 2010). In addition, there will be a team supervisor who will distribute and organize the work between the members and promote team collaboration. In the refreezing stage, the change is carried out and implemented, the team is working together to treat and promote healing of any difficult wounds. Leader should keep in mind that not every member can deal with stress and other such aspects of the profession very well. So, as a leader, I will need to support them, and understand and help them in a way that proves useful for them (Lalwani, P. 2010). The Leader is responsible of solving problems, encourage and motivate the members and introduce feedbacks, as stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, Feedback can, and should also be positive, as this will further encourage your team members to perform better and keep introducing innovative yet efficient ways of becoming independent. Therefore, there will be monitoring committee to observe team achievements, evaluate their understanding, knowledge and skills and recognize the benefits of this change for patients, families, and the healthcare providers. The findings will determine if we will carry o n this change, stop it or create another action plan to overcome the difficulties and improve the outcomes. Step5 As stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, my goal is ensure the betterment of the organization I am work for, by improving the quality of patient care, which I can do with the application of various creative leadership qualities and management strategies, and the different leadership styles in nursing. My action plan included many steps and events which will aid to achieve my vision and create wound management team consist of physicians and nurses specialize in the complex wounds. This will help to achieve my goals such as enhance the quality of care patients received, improve patients quality of life, and promote healing of the difficult wounds. In addition to improve health care providers knowledge and skills regarding the difficult wounds and the most important thing is create nurses specialize in wound therapy and make them able to treat any complicated wounds. So I think my action plan is fit well with my previous explanation and rational for change. Conclusion By the end of this assignment I discover that there are at least 8 qualities that successful leaders have: Responsibility, Integrity, Decision takers, Deal with facts, Vision and inspiration, Optimism, Resilient, and Excellence (Brodie, D. 2008). The Successful leaders are not just working to put themselves in good senior position but to use their skills, knowledge and all the leadership qualities for the growth of the organization that they are working for, provide high quality of care to the patients that will lead to patient satisfaction and play role in the progress of their health and well being. I can understand now that the leaders are those who are willing to follow. They must be perfect in whatever they do, because by doing their best; they will discover that only the best is expected from their team members. Tjandra, J. Clunie, G. Thomas, R (2001). Text Book of Surgery/ Wound Healing and Wound Management. USA, Canada, Australia. 2nd ed., Pp 20, 23, 24, 25. Ousey. K, (2005) Pressure Area Care, UK.1st ed., Pp 13 Martin, V. 2003 Leading change in health and social care, 1st ed., Routledge: London and New York, Pp. 104-06. (Lalwani, P. 2010)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Touching Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride -- Wedding Toasts
Touching Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride (to the crowd) As Father of the Bride, I am honored to be the first to speak this evening. I would like to begin by welcoming each and every one of you on this joyous occasion. It is good to see so many friends and family here today to help celebrate Paula and Manson’s wedding. I would also like to remember those who have meant so much to our family, but could not be here today. (to Manson) At this time, I would like to take this opportunity to formally and wholeheartedly welcome Manson into our family. I hope that we will get to know you better in the coming months and years. (to the crowd) It is about this time in every wedding that the bride begins thinking, â€Å"oh-my-gosh, what is daddy going to say?†â€Å"Is he goin...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
History Essay
1. In your opinion, who started the Cold War? Explain in 5 sentences. In one opinion, the Cold War was not started by one side or the other. The Cold War was more of a culmination of political, cultural and ideological differences than anything else(Pierpaoli). This being said, in fairness, both the West and the East provoked hostilities during the Cold War through various attempts to promote their respective political systems throughout the world. Ultimately, the Cold War was not decisively won by the West; rather, the West was able to hold out longer than the East. 2. List three major prolonged conflicts in the Cold War. During the Cold War, three major prolonged conflicts that erupted were the Korean War (1950–1953); the Vietnam War (1946–1975); and the war in Afghanistan (1979–1989)(Pierpaoli). 3. How did the Cold War influence society and culture? 3 sentences The Cold War influenced society and culture in many ways. Culturally, the Cold War gave birth to an entire genre of literature and motion pictures/television- the classic story of the â€Å"secret agent†. In terms of society, the Cold War divided society in terms of whether people, in both the East and West, supported capitalism or communism, and the many facets that each system offered (Pierpaoli). 4. Evaluate the role of technology on the Cold War. Technology also played a role in the Cold War. It was through surveillance technology that the United States was able to protect itself from Soviet aggression, such as the detection of missile sites in Cuba, a mere 90 miles from the US mainland (Pierpaoli). Technology also helped the Soviets to detect an American U2 spy plane within their airspace- an incident which almost sparked World War III. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the nuclear weapon technology which both the US and USSR possessed held the potential to destroy the planet. 5.What was Watergate and how did it influence the Vietnam War? Briefly describe. When one speaks of Watergate, they are usually referring to illegal actions taken by President Richard M. Nixon. Watergate is said to have begun when Nixon ordered one of his closest advisors, Henry Kissinger, to tap the telephone of a New York Time reporter in order to try to determine who was â€Å"leaking†information to the media about a secret bombing mission in Cambodia (Greene). This influenced the Vietnam War in that the public learned of the many outrageous secret missions of the American military in Vietnam, raising public opposition to the war itself. 6.`A Short History of Terrorism,` write a paragraph explaining the difference in modern `terrorism` and its historical antecedents given in this article. The single most remarkable difference modern terrorism and its historical antecedents is the fact that modern terrorism is not meant to advance the agenda of a particular nation, but is driven by the belief by many Middle Eastern nations that the United States is an evil empire which God would like to see destroyed (Greenberg). This type of religious zeal gives modern terrorism its sharp teeth and deadly venom. 7. Write a brief essay explaining your views on whether America should move beyond Affirmative Action at this time. Support your position. America should move beyond Affirmative Action for several key reasons; first, as we have seen in recent months, opportunities have opened up for minorities from the most powerful office in the United States to the areas of entertainment, the media, and the average job in any city in the nation. Additionally, the increasing cultural diversity of America is transforming the demographic of the nation so that rather than minorities (Gryphon), there are any number of â€Å"mini-majorities†in place, thereby making favoritism for any given group both outdates and unnecessary. 8. Did women have a positive role in the progressive movement even before they had the right to vote? What was it? Describe briefly. Women most definitely had a positive role in the progressive movement even before they had the right to vote because it was the women in society which held families together as men worked outside of the home for long hours, making the woman the essential person who fed/mentored the children, etc. It was in roles such as these that women were already asserting superiority before they could cast a ballot (Friedan). 9. Did the U.S. do everything it could to help the Jews in Europe? Is our current foreign policy a reaction to this situation? Briefly describe. In the final analysis, the US did not do everything it could to help the Jews in Europe, as there is evidence to suggest that the American government knew about the plight of Jews in Europe for several years before getting involved to protect the lives and interests of European Jews. In a way, it can be said that our current foreign policy is a reaction to this past situation, as the US is both trying to prevent any aggression against the Jews of the magnitude of that of the past in Europe, and also compensating Jews for past injustices. 10. What were the roles of television and advertising in creating the consumer society of the post-World War II world? Briefly describe. Television and advertising created the consumer society of the post-World War II world, as they both shared with millions of war-weary Americans a wide variety of products that were now available after years of rationing and scarcity due to the war effort. This led to a consumer society, as American people not only grabbed the items that they needed and could not get for many years, but also those new items that had not been available before. All of this made the nation one of hardcore consumers, a trend that continues today.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Global Competitive Advantage - Apple Case Study - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2042 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? International Business Global competitive advantage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" creating and sustaining: the case of Apple Inc. The purpose of this essay is to discuss theoretical ideas behind creating and sustaining global competitive advantage; then applying these in an analysis of Apple Inc. Using the star analysis, I will examine how the company achieves global competitive advantage by means of efficiency, flexibility and learning. Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation, founded in April 1976, headquartered in Cupertino, California, US (, 2014). The company designs, manufactures and retails consumer electronics, online services, personal computers and software. Apple is also thelargest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, second-largest information technology companyby revenue and theworlds third-largest mobile phone maker (, 2013). Globalisation plays a major role in achieving global competitive advantage. The merge of distinct and historically separate national markets into one global market place poses many advantages as well as disadvantages for companies operating world-wide (Hill, 2005). Home country Apple states that it differs from other companies within the same sector as it was set up to create value by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“seeking innovations and creating an organization that can implement themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (Steve Jobs, 2000). The company is thought to have a very powerful management and corporate culture, which promotes innovation in everything they do, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“from their products to marketing and deliveryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ; which is key in differentiating their brand from the competition (The Harvard Review, 2011). Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1980) value chain helps businesses examine additional competitive capabilities hidden in primary and support activities. For the purpose of this assignment, I will concentrate on exploring primary activities that predominately apply to how Apple creates value and thus gains competitive advantage. Research and development is one of the primary activities, where Apple creates value. The company designs and develops products which are rich in design and user experience. Throughout the years, Apple has created a brand culture, attracting customers who identify with the brands values: innovativeness, simplicity, and coolness (Forbes, 2012).This core competence alone gives the company a distinguished brand image in the market, and a competitive advantage, which succeeds even in the face of multiple competitors (, 2014). Marketing and sales is a very important sector for a company competing within the fast-developing technology sector. Perceived scarcity of Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products makes them seen as luxury goods therefore more desirable and in demand (Forbes, 2011). Apple is also seen as the master of preserving confidentiality during the product development phase. On the other hand, the company is also named the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“master of the teaser marketing campaignà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (Telegraph, 2013). Each time a new product is due to be launched, leakages feed the media and internet creating speculations months prior to the actual launch. This creates a free marketing momentum prior to paid marketing campaign. The Apple store is a place where customers are able to sense the Apple experience delivered by the products, but also by the well-trained staff. Employees are trained not to focus on sales but on building relationships and creating loyal customers. This approach makes customers feel like Apple enriches their lives, thus improves brand image and creates value (The Business Review, 2011). Partner country Businesses are often unable to sustain continuous high levels of productivity over long periods of time without accessing knowledge from beyond their boundaries à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" they require external knowledge to develop new inno vations (Haeussler et al. 2014). According to Bing-Sheng et al. (1998), increasing formation of strategic alliances can be seen as a response toglobalisationand increasing uncertainty and complexity in the business environment. A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more organisations to collaborate on a specific business activity or an on-going project, whilst maintaining their own identity. The main aim of an alliance is for both firms to benefit from achieving economies of scale and greater access to target markets, sharing of knowledge and expertise as well as the reduction of risk and costs thus gaining competitive advantage (Bing-Sheng et al. 1998). Apple Inc. has recently announced a new partnership with IBM. The main aim of the alliance is to team up à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“market-leading strengthsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ of both companies to renovate enterprise mobility with the use of IMBà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s data and analytical capabilities and Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ha rdware and software as well as unique customer experience (Apple, 2014). According to Forbes (2014), IBM will also sell iPhones and iPads to business clients worldwide. This demonstrates that Apple will benefit from greater access to new target markets whilst IBM will advantage from selling Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products to their customers. Furthermore, a strategic alliance with IBM poses a great potential advantage for Apple as IBM holds extensive understanding of enterprise business conditions and demands. Consequently, Apple could act opportunistically and learn from their competitor. Partner selection is vital to forming a successful strategic alliance (Hill, 2014). IBM will help Apple achieve its strategic goals through greater enterprise market access, gaining access to critical core competencies of IBM and sharing the costs and risks of new product development. On the other hand, according to Hill (2014), the failure rate for strategic alliances seems to be high; this i s why an alliance should be structured so that threat of opportunism is minimised. Contractual safeguards have to be written into the alliance agreement to protect core competencies of the company (Hill, 2014). Apple and IBM both agreed to bring together complementary skills and assets that neither company could develop on its own (Forbes, 2014) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" this reduces the threat of opportunism from both sides as both companies will benefit from the alliance. An additional way of successfully managing a strategic alliance is to recognise opportunities ahead of the competition (Haeussler et al. 2014). Critics outline that Apple didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t realise the importance of a strategic alliance with Microsoft early enough. Consequently, if Apple would have licensed their Mac OS operating system, when it first came out, perhaps Windows would not be as successful (Forbes, 2014). This demonstrates that strategic alliances can pose a great competitive advantage when recogni sed at the right time and managed correctly. Supplier country International businesses often face make-or-buy decisions about whether they should perform a certain activity in-house or outsource elsewhere. Companies usually internalise core competence activities in order to protect proprietary product technology, accumulate dynamic capabilities and improve scheduling. On the other hand, activities seen as peripheral to core competence are usually externalised with the aim of lowering cost and achieving strategic flexibility (Parmigiani, 2007). As outlined earlier in this essay, Apple Inc. perceives designing and developing its products as the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s core competence, hence these activities are internalised to avoid opportunism from competing companies. Acquisition of businesses can also help protecting and expanding core competencies of the company. Apple acquires smaller businesses in order to gain skills and intellectual property to work on new projects (Tim Cook, 2013), for instance: in recent years, the company acquired Siri (a voice-recognition system) as well as a series of mapping start-ups that shaped the basis of Apple Maps (, 2014). In contrast, critics debate if Apple should become more acquisitive as they are moving from traditional personal computers to smart phones and mobile computing, where competition is much tougher (Forbes, 2014). When balancing between internalisation and externalisation, companies have to consider transaction cost analysis of boundary decisions, including the most efficient way of governing it. Internalised design and development of Apple products demonstrates the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hierarchical approach to transaction cost analysis of boundary decisions, where costs are high as activities are performed in-house, however: threat of opportunism is kept at its minimum (Hill, 2014). On the other side of the spectrum, activities such as manufacturing are externalised and perfo rmed by other companies such as Foxconn Technology Group, located in China (Apple, 2014). This is also an example of intermediate governance as both firms benefit from the manufacturing contract. Offering a relatively high-skilled, low-priced labour force as well as a good business infrastructure and a stable economy, China is an ideal location for manufacturing Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products (The Economist, 2014). Furthermore most of the products needed for manufacturing are made in China thus lowering the cost of production (Forbes, 2014). As outlined above, the more complex the governance mechanism, the more effective it will be in reducing the threat of opportunism. On the other hand, market governance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" although relatively cheap, will allow competing companies to act opportunistically (Barney, 1999). Bearing in mind the transaction cost economies; Apple balances between internalisation and externalisation efficiently, thus creating a competitive advantage. Customer country: Integrationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Responsiveness (IR) is vital to achieve global competitive advantage. This framework outlines that companies should balance between pressures for cost reduction and local responsiveness (Hill, 2014). As demonstrated below, the integration-responsiveness framework presents four distinct approaches to IR. Apple Inc. operates under international strategy: products are designed focusing on domestic customers, whilst international business is sought as a way of replicating its home-market success (Kendall et al. 1990). This means that Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products are standardised: engineering, design and manufacturing is all controlled by one source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" this gives the company greater control as well as a competitive advantage as it differentiates from competing businesses (Forbes, 2013). Consequently, differentiation becomes the main competitive strategy as international strategy is not the m ost cost-efficient. Furthermore, international strategy is well suited for high-end products also allowing greater control over the company (Rothaermel, 2013). Apple has a strong brand image, with products seen as up-market and luxury (Forbes, 2014). This demonstrates that the company does not have to alter its IR as pressure for local responsiveness and cost reduction is relatively low. On balance, based on application of academic frameworks in research I conducted, I believe that Apple generates and maintains substantial global competitive advantage over its rivals. Activities such as: building efficient global supply chains, flexibility when managing risks and opportunities and learning from international exposure as well as partnership with other companies all help Apple become an innovative company with a strong brand reputation and a sustained global competitive advantage. References: Apple (2014) Apple/About. Available from: [Accessed: 1 Dece mber 2014]. Apple Press Info (2014) Apple and IBM Forge Global Partnership to Transform Enterprise Mobility. Available from: [Accessed 30 November 2014]. Barney, J.B. (1999) How a Firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Capabilities Affect Boundary Decisions. MIT Sloan Management Review, 40 (3) 137-145. Bing-Sheng, T; Das, T. K (1998) Resource and Risk Management in the Strategic Alliance Making Process. Journal of Management. 24 (1) 21-42 Forbes (2013) Apple Dominates List Of The Worlds Most Valuable Brands. Available from: . [Accessed 28 November 2014]. 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Available from: [Accessed: 26 November 2014]. Rothaermel, F.T. (2013) Strategic Management. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The Economist (2014) Chinese Economy. Available from: [Accessed 1 December 2014]. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Global Competitive Advantage Apple Case Study" essay for you Create order
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