Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Summery and Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summery and Critical Analysis - Essay Example The company also has to ensure that the marketing analysis is done perfectly and this involves issues such as surveying the potential markets and finding out the types of markets that their services can supply without any issues. It is also necessary that an individual realize their niche in the market to ensure that they give the best services they can to their clients. The chapter is very exhaustive on the topic of marketing as the reader gets to know the various issues about marketing and the way that the design marketer can get his company to get more and more clients. The chapter is exhaustive on the four principles of marketing which include the price, the product, the place and the promotional strategy put in place to ensure that the product is well known among the customer base. A marketing plan is include in the chapter which helps in enabling the reader on how to come up with a good plan to market the products and how to reach out to the most suitable markets in the industry (Russel). Promotional basics talks of the different ways that a firm makes their products known to the public. While promotion includes things such as advertising, public relations is concerned more with the fact the company’s image in the eyes of the public. One of the major ways that firms can establish coverage is by having press releases. Press releases is one of the major ways that firms get exposure and people get to know of the firm and the goods that they deal in. There is also promotion through social media as people are increasingly using the internet to find goods and products. Therefore, it would be useful for a design company to advertise their services on the social media platforms available (Russel). One advantage of social media is that it is a much cheaper way of advertising and it is easy to attract customers through the pictures posted. Newspaper advertisements are also
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study Of Autocratic Leadership Style Management Essay
Study Of Autocratic Leadership Style Management Essay There are many ways to lead and every leader has his own style. Some of the most common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Autocratic Leadership Style This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations.Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. These studies say that autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees  Do not believe the staff  Do not allow for employee input  Nevertheless, the autocratic leadership is not so bad.Sometimes it is the most effective style to use. Such situations may include:  Employees do not respond to any other style of leadership  There are high volumes of production needs on a daily basis  There is limited time for decision  Work must be coordinated with another department or organization autocratic leadership style should not be used in the following cases:  Employees become tense, fearful, or resentful  Employees are expected to have their opinion heard  Employees begin depending on their manager to have all their solutions  There is low employee morale, high turnover and absenteeism and work stoppages Bureaucratic Leadership Style Bureaucratic leadership where the manager manages by the book. All must be done in accordance with the procedure or policy. If this does not apply to books, the manager refers to the next level above him or her. This manager is really more police officers than the leader. He or she apply the rules. This style can be effective if: Employees perform routine tasks over and over again. Employees must understand the specific standards or procedures. Employees working with hazardous or fragile equipment that requires a set of procedures for the job. Safety and security training is conducted. Employees perform tasks that require cash handling. This style does not be effective if: Skills of the forms that are difficult to break, especially if they are no longer useful. Employees are losing interest in their work and their colleagues. Employees do only what is expected of them and nothing more. Democratic Leadership Style It encourages employees to be part of decision-making process.Democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem-solving responsibilities. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and quantity of work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond cooperation, team spirit and high morale.Typically, the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees assess their own performance Allows employees to set goals Encourages employees to grow jobs and encourage Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate.It is most successful when using highly skilled and experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or permits a person or group problems. The democratic leadership style is most effective if: The leader wants employees informed about matters that affect them. The leader wants employees to participate in decision-making and problem-solving responsibilities. There is a large and complex problem that requires a lot of input to solve. you want to promote team building and participation. Democratic leadership should not be used in the following cases: There is not enough time to get the input of each. Its easier and more cost effective for the manager to decide. Business can not afford mistakes. The manager feels threatened by this type of leadership. Laissez-Faire Leadership Style This kind leadership style is also known as hands-off  ¨ style. This is where the manager gives little direction and gives employees more freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to employees, and they must set goals, make decisions and solve problems independently . This is an effective style to use when: Employees are highly skilled, experienced and educated. Employees have pride in their work and desire to do it successfully yourself. Reliable and experienced staff. This style should not be used in the following cases: It makes employees feel insecure in the absence of the manager. The manager can not provide regular feedback to employees know how well they are doing. The manager does not understand their responsibilities and hopes that staff can cover for him or her. P7. Explain the different motivational theories and their application within the workplace Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is the most widespread theory. He believes that human beings have desires that influence their behavior in particular unmet needs. needs come in order of importance. person to the next level is necessary if low-level need is satisfied. on the need to level the person moves, more personality and mental health reveals. These requirements, from a lowest to highest are: psychological, health and safety, social, esteem and self-actualization.Examples of physiological needs are food and water. Security refers to security, freedom from violence, safety, and others.Social is a sense of belonging as family, friends, colleagues and other professionals. Self-esteem is a need for approval, recognition, status, etc. And, finally, self-actualization refers to the need for personal growth through education, religion, hobbies, and others. According to Maslow, it would be difficult to achieve the ultimate goal of self-realization, if the following goals are not met or taken care of first. Food, water, shelter these are just some of our most pressing needs, which precede all others. For example, it would be silly to worry about how to become emotionally stable, when you can not even have a decent meal or if you are seriously ill. Taking care of immediate needs, you can begin to take care of the higher needs. Just as Maslows hierarchy of needs, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory is a need-based theory of motivation. This theory is considered more powerful than Maslow, because it is easier to understand. two-factor theory says that certain factors in the workplace leads to job satisfaction. Others did not affect the satisfaction, but if not can lead to dissatisfaction These factors of motivation and hygiene factors. Motivators to ensure job satisfaction. This includes the recognition, responsibilities and tasks. Hygiene factors are so called because, like hygiene, their presence will not make people healthier, but their absence can cause decay. Examples of these include salaries, fringe benefits, job security. Hygiene factors, therefore, can determine dissatisfaction and motivators determine satisfaction. Both scales are independent and one can score high on both factors. Vrooms Expectancy Theory explains why people choose a certain course of action. Unlike the three aforementioned theories, Vrooms theory is not need-based. There are three variables in this theory: Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality. Valence refers to the importance of the anticipated outcome of a situation. Expectancy is the belief that the effort exerted and success of the situation are related. Instrumentality means the success is related the expectations Vrooms Expectancy theory could sometimes be associated with work situation just like Herzbergs Two Factor Theory. But, in actuality, this theory is applicable to almost all kinds of situations whether work-related or not. Vrooms expectancy theory simply espoused the idea that the reason people do some things is because they expect a certain outcome. I apply Vrooms expectancy theory to my professional life because I believe in doing things not because I want to attain a certain reward but I want to attain something I truly desire for myself. For instance, I do a good job at the office not because I want a promotion, although it is part of it, but because I expect to feel fulfilled after having done something worthwhile. P8. The relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management: Different motivation theories have different effects. Motivation has to be built into the structure and without the motivational theory without the practice of management. You cannot practice motivation if you do not first have a theory or concept. In order to be a great manager or leader you have to be a good motivator, you should know what motivates your staff and what doesnt. A manager who cannot motivate or doesnt know how to motivate cannot do a good job, his job is to improve the performance of the staff and motivate all of them. P9. Describe the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations: Nature of groups The term group can be defined as, two or more persons interacting and working together to get a job or something done. When people work in groups rather than as individuals, the goals of the organization can be easily achieved. Groups can get a job done fast and usually accurate, group members could gather information and tell each other if they are doing something wrong or not, and they could appoint themselves to do a specific job which they are best in to contribute as much as possible to the group. People form groups for various reasons. Maybe get a job done faster or even to get a job done while not putting as much effort if youre the only one working on something. Various Types of Groups: There are formal and informal groups in organizations. Various groups exist within the organization and they are of varying degrees of formalization. Groups in organizations are of various types based on the number of members they have and the interactions between them. Formal Groups A group formed by the organization to accomplish a specific task is termed as a formal group. The organization sets up a formal group and allocates tasks and responsibilities to different members with the intention of achieving organizational goals. Command groups and task groups are examples of formal groups. A command group is relatively permanent in nature and finds representation in the organization chart. Functional departments of organizations are considered as command groups. Task groups, on the other hand, are formed for a specific task and are temporary in nature. They are dissolved after the task is accomplished. After dissolution of the task group, the members of the task group continue as members of their respective functional departments or command groups with reduced duties. Informal Groups Informal groups are formed by the employees themselves. The reasons for the formation of informal groups could be the need for companionship, common interests, growth, recreation, or support. There are two types of informal groups friendship groups and interest groups. Members of friendship groups have a cordial relationship with each other, common interests and are similar. They like each others company and want to spend time together. Interest groups are formed to organize an activity and are temporary in nature. Informal groups mainly satisfy the social needs of members.            With regards to nature of groups, I would just like to add that members may have conflicting ideas and having your views challenged should could either reaffirm your own beliefs or transcend them-people should come into groups with an open mind. P10. Investigate the Factors Lead to Effective Teamwork and Influences that Threaten Success: In todays workplace, the group leaders need to solve complicated problems and to take ideas from their first stage through a series of complex processes to a successful completion. This kind of work cannot be done alone. There are just too many demands, task requirements and various sources of information required to do it without the support of others. The most important factor that can lead to efficient teamwork is motivation, it is a team leaders job to delegate tasks and to make sure that each member of their team contributes and is good at what they do. For example, if Picasso was one of the members in your group then you should give him a task that requires creativity, since being creative and artistic is his strength then it seems that natural that hell be good at what hes assigned to do. Leaders should build a relationship with its members by making ideas together and supporting it, and even improving each others ideas. They must be open and approachable P11. Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization:   The use of new technologies can improve and in some cases hinder team functioning. As technology changes teams must update and maintain their knowledge in order to function effectively. Technologies which have improved team functions Computers Internet Email Cell Phones Blackberry Groupware PDA Personal computers allow team members to carry out various tasks and communicate more effectively. Laptop computers allow you to do this anywhere. They are now lighter, more powerful and a longer battery life. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) now have much of the same functionality as laptops, but are smaller, more portable and have a longer battery life. Many PDAs now have wifi as standard and some are also phones (and some phones have many PDA features). Internet has been a huge, worldwide explosion in the use of the Internet. It is already changing the way we work, shop, bank etc. Information technology has had an impact on the way we work for quite some time, but the Internet has now added electronic mail (email), teleworking and video conferencing to the workplace. E-mail allows direct communication which means team members do not need to be in the same place at the the same time in order to communicate effectively. E-mail also has its negative aspects in terms of managing e-mail and the misuse of e-mail. Cell phones have come a long way since the 1980s and there are now more mobile phones in the UK then there are people. Mobile phones allow teams to communicate even when team members are out of the office, on the road or otherwise unavailable. Sometimes having always access to team members can hinder team functioning. Phone technologies such as blackberry and 3G datacards allow team members to work and communicate remotely. Groupware enables teams to plan meetings, collaborate, delegate all within a virtual environment which can often be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world. Technology is found in its various forms in small and large businesses, the service sector, and state institutions, manufacturing companies, educational departments, multi-national organizations and the local shop.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ephedrine with Caffine - The Secret to Weight Loss :: Health Diet Essays
Ephedrine with Caffine - The Secret to Weight Loss Ephedrine is an over the counter herbal stimulant stemmed from the Chinese plant ma huang. The Chinese discovered this stimulant over two thousand years ago for the purpose of treating asthma, cold and flu symptoms, chills, lack of perspiration, headache, and edema. Ephedrine is presently found in herbal stimulants, prescription cold and flu remedies, and asthmatic aid products. Because it is a stimulant, ephedrine motivates thermogenesis in the body. This effect results in speeding up the heart rate causing the metabolism to expedite. Due to this increased metabolism, ephedrine can also be used as a weight loss supplement Ephedrine contributes to weight loss with its thermogenetic effects by heating up the body, which in turn results in burning fat. It speeds up the metabolic rate and calorie consumption by opening the receptor sites in the heart and lungs. Consequently, fatty acids are released from the stored fat cells and the transition from fat to energy is greatly increased. Another beneficial effect is directed to the muscles increasing stamina and endurance for body builders ( One study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of March in 1987 showed that a group of rats lost 75% of their body fat from ephedrine. Another study performed in the International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders in February of 1993 made claims that "ephedrine increases the release of brain catecholomines to enhance thermogenesis, without significant cardiovascular effects" and concluded that "varying combinations of ephedrine and aspirin could provide a safe combination with the necessary thermogenetic properties to assist in the management of obesity" ( Harmful side effects†¦ In addition to the reports about the positive aspects of ephedrine, harmful side affects have also been declared. It can alter emotions causing aggressiveness or anxiety that can lead an individual to a risk of personal injury. Other harmful side effects include an increased heart rate and blood pressure possibly leading to dehydration and decreased circulation. Long term more serious effects that these conditions can lead to include cerebral hemorrhage, strokes, or heart irregularities ( Some serious dangers such as death have been related to the use of ephedrine. For this reason, regulatory action on this herb is being considered. The herb has been discovered to be the beginning ingredient in methamphetamine laboratories for the product of the illegal stimulant drug ( Other abuses of this herb have also been reported causing death.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analysis of graduation Essay
During the mid nineteen hundreds, racial segregation was prevalent in the United States, especially in the South. In the essay, â€Å"Graduation†Maya Angelou tells about her experience of graduating from the eighth grade in Stamps, Arkansas. In today’s society, a graduating ceremony is exciting for all, however, it is not uncommon. Often, people take these type of experiences for granted. This was not the case for Angelou. To her, having a graduating ceremony in her hometown was considered a privilege. The writer structures the essay to evoke feelings from her readers and to get her point across. Angelou uses literary elements to convey the overall point of the essay, starting with the title. â€Å"Graduation†references the commencement ceremony that takes place during the essay. It implies a pronouncement of the writer moving on and growing up. Structure helps convey the main reason the writer wrote this essay. The essay is structured in a way that the reader can feel empathy for the writer and understand what she and her community were dealing with during the nineteen forties. Also, Angelou structures her essay to show how the experience, both the good and the bad, helped her to understand herself. Tone plays an important role in conveying the overall point of Angelou’s essay. There are two major shifts that occur throughout the essay. The essay started off with an excited and happy tone about it. When Angelou writes, â€Å"The children in Stamps trembled visibly with anticipation. Some adults were excited too, but to be certain the whole young population had come down with graduation epidemic†(15) it exemplifies the happy tone of the essay. Angelou was thrilled to finally be graduating and moving on to all the possibilities life would bring her. However, in the middle of the essay the tone completely shifts in the opposite direction. Once the two white politicians walk on stage, the entire atmosphere of the graduation changes. Angelou expresses that her mood has changed when she says, â€Å"The man’s dead words fell like brinks around the auditorium and too many fell in my belly†(21). The racist nature of his remarks were not clear to him but still managed to make Angelou feel little, as if she could never amount to anything. The writer includes this in her essay to reflect her pain and to show how one man had such a negative effect on everyone attending the ceremony. Fortunately, toward the end of the essay, the tone shifts back to being happy, joyful and somewhat hopeful. When Henry Reed lead the students in the singing of the Negro National Anthem, it brought back a sense of unity to the community. For the first time Angelou truly heard the lyrics and they finally gave meaning to her; she felt optimistic of what could come in her future. Not only does Angelou use literary elements in the essay, she also includes important details to reference to the specific time period. A big part of the message Angelou is trying to convey is the racial segregation that is taking place. In the beginning of the essay, the writer compares the white and black schools to each other. She goes on to define the black school by what it lacks, â€Å"neither lawn, nor hedges, nor tennis courts, nor climbing ivy†(16). This reveals a clear illustration of what the white schools were given and how unimportant and unattended to the black schools were. Bigger than that, it defines society’s priorities in the nineteen forties. Another prime example of the lack of importance on the black communities was the name of the school, Layfette County Training School. Black schools were called â€Å"training schools†because it was believed blacks didn’t need a real education. Black schools did not focused on further education, mainly because they weren’t given equal opportunities to do so. When Donleavy is referring to the graduates as future athletes and nothing else, it’s an insult to them because he’s implying that they can never amount to anything greater than that. Angelou includes these details in the essay to show the type of attitude white people had toward the black community. The overall reason for Angelou to write a piece that holds as much meaning as â€Å"Graduation†was to share her experiences with the world. She wanted to make readers aware of the reality of racism. She allows the reader to understand, and for some maybe even relate. A deeper message Angelou wanted to convey with the reader is that no one person, no matter the color of their skin, should be able to put a person down. A day that was supposed to be one of the happiest in her life was made ugly by the racist remarks of a white man. Seeing Angelou overcome that with the help of her classmate Henry was a powerful thing. Using specific structure, tone shifts and important references to the time period the writer was able to write an essay that was both thought-provoking and emotional. Angelou not only wrote for the entertainment of her readers, she wanted to teach readers the reality of racism. But beyond that, she showed them how one man’s words or actions were not going to keep her down. Angelou wrote about something that wasn’t talked about often, black graduations, and with the writing techniques she used turned it into a famous book.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The study a library Essay
2. 1 Background of the study A library is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, a corporation, or a private individual. Public and institutional collections and services may be intended for use by people who choose not to  or cannot afford to  purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research. In addition to providing materials, libraries also provide the services of librarians who are experts at finding and organizing information and at interpreting information needs. Libraries often provide quiet areas for studying, and they also often offer common areas to facilitate group study and collaboration. Libraries often provide public facilities for access to their electronic resources and the Internet. Modern libraries are increasingly being redefined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources. They are extending services beyond the physical walls of a building, by providing material accessible by electronic means, and by providing the assistance of librarians in navigating and analyzing very large amounts of information with a variety of digital tools. Kalayaan National High School started when Mrs. Esmelita P. Ulangca, the principal of Bagong Silang High School, felt an urgent need of an annex school in order to accommodate the heavy influx of enrolment of students. In 1996, the construction of two(2) three-storey building with 9 classrooms each were constructed in Phase 10 Bagong Silang, Caloocan. The first enrollment commenced on May 21,1997 where the first batch of 1,450 first year enrollees and organized into 14 sections with 18 teaches from Bagong Silang High School. As classes went on another three-storey with 15 classrooms was also constructed, 300 second year and 212 third year students from Bagong Silang Hish School were transferred. Along with them were 8 teachers. The first inauguration of the said buildings was held February 6,1998. In June 29,1998, a Division Memorandum No. 97 s. 1998 was issued to inform the field that the establishment of Kalayaan National High School(formerly Bagong Silang National High School Annex) as per Republic Act No. 8644 entitled â€Å"An Act Establishing a National High School in Bagong Silang, Caloocan City to be known as Kalayaan National High School and Appropriating Funds Thereof, lapsed into law on May 30,1998. Library System is one of Transaction Processing System because it can process large records and data of the school and it is also use for library transactions like borrowing and returning books. In Computerized Library System, the data are kept accurate in order to lessen errors in listing of books and computation of penalties. Library System is also designed to perform the process involve in acquisition, cataloguing, and circulation of books in the library. The proponents intend to propose to develop A Computerized Library System for Kalayaan National High School to enhance the transactions of the current procedure of their library. 2. 2 Overview of the current System Borrowing For those who are new borrowers they will be given a library card and fill up all the informations needed. The students are allowed to borrow as many books as they want inside the library premises. Anyone who wishes to borrow a book must physically check by himself the book stored in the shelf to know if it is available, if it is he should bring it to the librarian together with his library card. If he wishes to borrow it for over night he must return it the following day(excluding Saturday and Sunday), if he fails to return it he will need to pay for penalty per overdue books which cost 1 peso per day; if the student fails to pay for the penalties his clearance will be hold. But if the borrower is a Faculty there is a logbook provided for them to write their name, title of the book, date borrowed, and date returned and he is allowed to borrow the book for the whole school year and return it before the school year ends, if he lost or damaged the book his clearance won’t be cleared. Returning For returning the book the borrower will return it to the librarian and find his Borrower’s Card then the librarian will check if it is returned on the right date if it is not the borrower must pay for his acquired penalty. For Faculty members they will give the book to the librarian to record it on the logbook for faculty’s borrowed book the date they returned it. For all the penalties for overdue books,damage books and return boooks they will pay it to the librarian. For overdue books the students should pay penalty per overdue books which cost 1 peso per day. For lost or damage books the students should pay for the price of the book or replace it with a new one. Reports The librarian anually submitting the library’s annual inventory report by checking the books manually in the library, the librarian should physically check the books on the shelves and match it on the list of their books thatthey have. The report was done using Microsoft Excel. 2. 3 Project Rationale The following will be the beneficiaries of this study: * School They will be able to provide better service to their students because of a more organized records and user-friendly library. This study will also uplift the image of school by providing an optimal use of new technology. * Librarian He will be able to monitor the books easily and provide a record of library transactions such as borrowing and returning of books. Generating of reports such as list of books, list of Borrowers, list of Borrowers with offense, list of Damage books, list of Lost books, list of borrowed books, list of returned books, Inventory of Book will be more faster and easy. * Borrowers They do not need to search manually for the books they wished to borrow and they could easily know the availability of the book. The borrowing process could be more faster than their current procedure. * Library The library could easily monitor the condition of their books as well as its availability and stocks, because on their current system the librarian should physically check the books on the shelves. Generation of reports such as list of books, list of Borrowers, list of Borrowers with offense, list of Damage books, list of Lost books, list of borrowed books, list of returned books, Inventory of Books will be easier and faster. They could manage and easily update their records and transactions. * Proponents They would enhance their programming skills and knowledge in developing a system. * Future Researchers They could use this as a referrence for their study and guide for improving this system.
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